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Real Estate

QUESTION: “Hi Mr. Armstrong, You mentioned before that real estate will decline from 2015.75 and will continue for over 10 years.  Do you still feel that way and why? Thanks,”   1933 Virginia Land Foreclosure Auction ANSWER: Real Estate is a strikingly different animal. The 30-year mortgage was created by FDR to try to restore the value […]

No Indication of Postponement Yet

  Brazil Demonstrations There is a possibility of a postponement for the Phase Transition (doubling in value) in the US share market into 2025. A postponement could be caused by war. Otherwise, that issue aside, everything is still lined up in that direction. We have the capital flows pouring out of India, Brazil, and it […]

There is no long-term future without serious reform

COMMENT:  Yes you are correct MA  Australia is way to socialistic!!  This country needs people with brains but those with them don’t want to stay because they can feel the isolation and limit of the countries location.   But do you think the UK is any better??  Look at it , it follows US in […]

The Fire is Burning – We Need More Fuel

QUESTION: “Hi Mr. Armstrong,   I am curious. I take it that you feel the DOW may double into 2015. Yet the SPX looks like it may roll over and crash. Does what you say about the DJIA equate equally with the S&P 500, or are they going to diverge and one goes up, while the other crashes? […]

Switzerland is beautiful – But the banks are not safe I think anywhere you go these days

QUESTION: Dear Martin, Thanks for the education, I read every article you post. As a European ex-pat long based in S.E. Asia, I agree that Switzerland is probably one of the safest places to store wealth. However recently, the Swiss enacted a Bail-in law, whats more my 200+ yr old Swiss bank plans to change its […]

Relationships Are Never Constant – Everything Fluctuates

COMMENT: “You go on and on, in article after article, saying money is not tangible and never has been.  Then, you say in some kind of Mad Max world, gold will be worthless — Rice/food will be money! Rice is not tangible????? Your ideas may be good, but your explanations are convoluted, contradictory and often incoherent. JC” […]

Why Switzerland

QUESTION: “Martin; Isn’t it just as corrupt as the rest of them since UBS and CS bankrupted the economy?  And of course the Swiss Central Bank pegged CHF to € which is further evidence they are coming into the banking cartel fold. And haven’t they acquiesced to US regulators? So, what’s so special about Switzerland apart from the […]

Can the Dow Rally with Declining Bank Stocks – ABSOLUTELY!

QUESTION: “how can you possibly align staying away from bank stocks at the same time thinking there is a possibility the dow doubles in the next 2 years….NO CHANCE both of those happen (in my humble opinion)…ZERO….would love a scenario laid out, however, that big banks would flounder while the rest of the markets rip […]

Yes in a Mad Max Dark Age Not Even Gold Has Value

Some nasty comments immediately focus on that statement and as always only emerge from the gold fanatics who will never change their mind about anything no matter what the facts might be. Of course they are based upon a PRESUMPTION that gold always has value without any historic proof whatsoever. The only thing in a […]

NSA & Microsoft – Going Down Together?

Steven Ballmer who took the reins of power from Bill Gates, is leaving Microsoft in terrible condition. He raised the price of software tremendously where previously you could install a program on 5 PCs, now it is the same price for just one. He allowed the company to get in bed with the NSA and […]