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Microsoft Monthly Close BELOW $26.40 Kiss of Death

The management at Microsoft may have yielded to the threats of the NSA, but the NSA is destroying the entire free economy and international viability of American commerce. The corrupt politicians like Dianne Fienstein are too stupid to grasp the ramifications of what they have done to the economy. You cannot rig everything so you […]

Germany Warns Windows 8 is Dangerous – Is Microsoft a Giant Short?

I reported that Windows 8 was dangerous. Some wrote to argue I was wrong. I wrote why NASA announced it was dumping Windows 8 and that even Skype should not be used. Microsoft has been criticized for the Prism affair. Now appears that Windows 8 is especially dangerous. The German government warns against Microsoft program because it […]

Cameron Betrays Democracy

The destruction of the Guardian’s computer has been order directly by British Prime Minister David Cameron. Cameron himself is said to have asked his cabinet ministers to look into the matter. But the British government sees this as an attack on press freedom.  Cameron has betrayed every principle of a free government all because of Snowden documents […]

Swiss Sentence Thief of Client Names From Swiss Bank to 3 years in Prison

A German computer scientist in Switzerland was sentenced to three years in prison, for stealing as an employee of Bank Julius Baer in Zurich, the data of 2,700 German and Dutch bank customers. Germany has been bribing employees of Swiss banks for names of German clients to get taxes. This criminal sentence is serious and […]

Our Advice

QUESTION: Why do you still advise the billionaires? ANSWER: There is good and bad in every group. I seriously doubt that the NY Investment Bankers will sign up for anything under their name at least. The NY crowd has preyed upon pension funds and governments to say the least. They created the mortgage back scandal, […]

Bloomberg Vowing to Create Chinese Wall between Commercial Clients and News

Bloomberg is forced to deal with the whole problem of their news journalists being able to access what clients are actually looking at. We reported previously that Bloomberg had violated their client’s trust. This presents a huge security risk and even allows people to gain inside information into possible takeovers. Bloomberg claims that it is […]

Fracking Causing Earthquakes

In Pennsylvania, the companies involved in fracking have been supplying fresh water to the residents because the ground water has been contaminated with gas driving property values to zero. Now in the neighboring state of Ohio, earthquakes have suddenly appeared when there never were any in the region previously. Ohio has now experienced over 100 […]

NSA – Been There – Done That Before

QUESTION: The revelations of the NSA ever since your 224 year cycle turned are amazing. Is there precedent for this before in modern history? ANSWER: History repeats because human nature never changes. After World War I there were the notorious “Palmer Raids” where the government created the great Red Scare.  The U.S. Attorney general 1919 to […]

Gold – The Week of 8-19

Gold is still poised to press a touch higher. Monday and Tuesday were daily directional changes and we achieved a high on Monday with a test of support yesterday. The next directional change is targeted for Friday where we may see the high for the week. Technical resistance by Friday stands at 1432.55. The Daily […]

As the War Cycle Turns Up – Middle East Is Going Nuts

The truth about what is going on in the Middle East is hard to figure out. Nobody really knows. The so called rebels in Syria may be conducting suicide missions using chemical weapons on themselves to get the West to invade Syria. It did work in Iraq and we seem to be following the same […]