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Aluminum Manipulation Leads to Lawsuits Against Goldman etc – The Days of Proprietary Trading Are

There are many lawsuits being filed against the New York Bankers for manipulating the commodities. Suits have been filed in Florida, Chicago, and New York. It is no secret that I have stood up to these people an opposed their manipulations. But this has been the name of the name in the commodity field for […]

Swiss want to End the 1,000SF Note

The drive to eliminate cash and move to 100% electronic money remains in full force. The Swiss are coming under pressure to eliminate the 1,000SF note from other countries fearing money can be hidden in cash avoiding taxes. The Swiss would never admit that they are doing this because of pressure, but this is what […]

Defining Hyperinflation – The Coming New Currency

Some define hyperinflation as merely the cumulative inflation rate over three years approaching or exceeding 100% with an annual rate above 25%. The reason I do not agree with that definition is because many countries have had brief periods of inflation at that level, survived, and even the currency lives for another day. The USA […]

The Great Rotation – Why Stocks Are Bullish

  Hand-drawn Chart Published in 1979 I have been explaining how capital shifts from Public to Private during a Private Wave investment cycle. Bond yields are way too low and risks way too high. It is now being recognized that capital is starting to shift from bonds to equities. They call this the Great Rotation. Based […]


QUESTION: You mentioned Russia recalled its platinum to take inventory that sent platinum up about 25%. I searched for that event but couldn’t find it. Can you provide any other details? ANSWER: Searching for events like this is not easy to say the least. You do have to know when to narrow the search. Here […]

Hyperinflation – How Did They Get It So Wrong?

QUESTION: How did they get hyperinflation so wrong? ANSWER: The one-dimensional thought pattern. For whatever reason, we try to reduce everything to a single cause and effect. Gee – everyone who has ever eaten a carrot has died and that proves that carrots are lethal. This is a true statement that everyone who has ever […]

Can Europe Hyperinflate?

QUESTION: Does “Europe” constitute a new/revolutionary state and is therefore liable to Hyperinflate? ANSWER: No. The revolutionary type government such as Germany with its Communist Revolution in 1918 do not honor the debt of the previous government and was unable to sell bonds. Therefore, it lacked the confidence of capital and sent capital fleeing and […]

The Silent Expropriation (Die stille Enteignung)

What I have been writing about may seem extreme to some Americans. But in Europe where the economic decline is in full bloom, the “Handelsblatt – Germany”, the leading newspaper on business, has come out with an article entitled The Silent Expropriation  (Die stille Enteignung). This is the most respected newspaper so it is not the lunatic […]

What Can We Do?

A number of people have asked what can we do about losing our rights. I believe there is nothing we actually can do until the majority get upset. That may be what the 2016 Presidential elections are about. Political Change only comes when the economy turns down. The old adage – if it ain’t broke […]

Email service used by Snowden shuts itself down, warns against using US-based companies

Glenn Greenwald has been championing Edward Snowden and has reported that the Email service used by Snowden has shut itself down, warning against using US-based companies: ‘Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Yahoo, Apple, and the rest of our internet titans. He askes why have these companies rolled-over and are not fighting for our interests the same way. The […]