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The Iron Curtain Starting to Close – Now STEP

Obama wants all Americans to now report voluntarily to the government regarding any foreign travel. The program is currently voluntary, but the word on the Hill is there are those who are suggesting this should be mandatory to protect Americans of course. The program is called STEP “Smart Traveler Enrollment Program.” Today, most Americans are […]

Snowden Hero or Traitor

Edward Snowden  is now trapped in transit limbo at a Moscow airport, where he finds himself with no alternative but to accept asylum in Russia. The arrangement is “temporary” but what this affair illustrates more is how government fails to distinguish itself from the nation. Government loves to pretend they are the divine hand of […]

The False Move

Just as they say there is the calm before the storm, there is always the false move before the breakout. As we approach the midpoint on the Economic Confidence Model August 7th, which is curiously 31.4 days from the low, we should keep in mind that this is the midpoint and not the climax peak. […]

Fed Double Talk or Cryptic Reality

QUESTION: “…the best way to get interest rates up is to have low interest rates” —Fed Chairman Bernanke responding to a Congressional testimony question (not today) And today: FED SAYS IT IS PREPARED TO INCREASE OR REDUCE THE PACE OF PURCHASES. So what about this double talk? What are they trying to do? Where do […]

Tangible v Intangible Money – Why Times Have Changed

The mantra of Goldbugs has been that paper money is worthless and only gold is money. That is pretty much like saying the earth is still flat. Money has historically been many things and gold is only one of them. The issue is always the fact that money (regardless of what it is) rises and […]

Liechtenstein bank to pay $23.8M in NY tax case

The USA is on a quest to attract any foreign banks that deal with Americans. A Liechtenstein bank will now pay $23.8 million to end a probe into what the USA claims is their undeclared accounts that helped hundreds of U.S. taxpayers dodge taxes in the United States over a 10-year period. They are making […]

JP Morgan Electricity Manipulations

When I first came out and wrote about the “Club” and how there was an organized group of banks and some hedge funds that targeted individual markets to manipulate, they tried to pretend it was sour grapes. I had even hired Robert Howe who may have been the first African-American analyst in American History. Bob […]

The Aluminum Scandal

Goldman Sachs & the Aluminum Scandal The tide has turned against the bankers and there will not be a rock big enough to hide under. The market is starting to wise up to the commodity game of controlling the warehouses and trading on the same commodities after 31.4 years. I have reported previously that the […]

Economic Insecurity – The Great Motivator For 2016

The studies have been illustrating that what we face is the collapse of society thanks to the Marxist Agenda that has sent jobs fleeing and it now takes two incomes to support a family rather than one. The great divide between race has diminished and as the once minorities are poised to assume the role […]

HYPERINFLATION – Chicken or the Egg

Iran, North Korea, Argentina, Venezuela, Egypt and Syria have all one thing in common – the collapse in the confidence of their currencies. This is where we will see hyperinflation and this is what it is all about. HYPERINFLATION is by no means related to the quantity of money, it is directly related to the […]