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Cryptocurrency Scam?

There are way too many cryptocurrencies out there and even if we accept the theory that ONE will survive and become mainstream, what happens to the rest? This is the great unanswered question. You certainly cannot replace the dollar and central banks with thousands of currencies. We tried that once when Andrew Jackson revoked the […]

Mueller is Conspiring to Overthrow Trump & How to Stop Him

Mueller has conspired with others in the Deep State to take down Donald Trump as President. The way they do that is, in fact, to prosecute absolutely everyone around him to compel them to give false evidence against an individual. That is the standard operating procedure in how criminal cases are brought. The talk behind the […]

Heraclius 610-641AD Byzantine Emperor

  Monetary History of Byzantium   Heraclius 610-641 Heraclius was born around 575AD and became emperor in 610 ruling until February 11, 641AD. It was Heraclius who actually mad Greek the official Eastern Roman Empire’s language. His rise to power actually began in 608AD, when he and his father, Heraclius the Elder, who was the […]

John McCain’s Funeral Converted to a Career Politician Opportunity to bash Trump

John McCain’s funeral turned into a political event where career politicians did nothing but used the opportunity to bash Trump. The hatred these people are spinning in the country is going to lead to bloodshed. They are convinced that if they can just keep talking shit about Trump they will get rid of him and […]

Mezezius Byzantine Emperor Usurper in Sicily 668-669AD

Monetary History of Byzantium   Mezezius (Usurper in Sicily)  668-669AD   The grand conspiracy which led to the assassination of Constans II included Mezezius. According to the Byzantine chroniclers, Mezezius was an Armenian. According to Cyril Toumanoff, he descended from the princely Gnuni family. Mezezius accompanied Emperor Constans II (641–668AD) in his Italian and Sicilian […]

Theodore I of Nicea (1204-1222AD)

Monetary History of Byzantium   THEODORE I (1204-1222AD) Emperor of Nicaea   Theodore I Comnenus-Lascaris (1208-1222) was the first Emperor of Nicaea, which was to the south of Constantinople in modern-day Turkey. Theodore was born in ca. 1174, to the Laskaris, a noble Byzantine family of Constantinople. He was the son of Manuel Laskaris (b. c. […]

People Living in their Cars in California?

A very interesting issue has emerged in California. The price of real estate rose so high that the median price for a home reached $600,000 and the price was just too high. Consequently, people began to take up residence sleeping in their cars. A recent article looked at the issue and found that 15,000 people live […]

Florida Orange Trees Dying from Cold?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Is it true that the Global Cooling has been creeping lower and lower into Northern Florida that the citrus crops are being affected to the point that they are starting to switch to olives? DT ANSWER: Yes, that is true. Florida here has not been devasted by the heat as up north. However, […]

Tampa v St. Petersburg for Migration

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong: I have a question in regards to your recommendation from last year’s WEC. You recommend to move to Tampa, FL and I have been following your recommendation. I have been wanting to move out of Stockton, California, which a bankrupted city in the late 2008 Financial Crisis. Stockton has been a mess […]


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