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Is Chile a Warning to All Western Societies of What Awaits Our Future?

Chile was believed to be Latin America’s freest, most stable and richest nation. However, it is now in free fall. Public order has collapsed, violence is rampant, and populism is the new creed of the political class. Chile imploded into a social uprising that was initially sparked by a student protest over metro fare hikes […]

The Democrats & Iowa – Biden is really out of the Game

Pete Buttigieg and Bernie Sanders were the winners in Iowa. Biden is really dead in the water as is Elizabeth Warren. We will most likely see Hillary enter the game as a draft at the convention. We can see why the Democrats are so intent on trying to remove Trump. They know they stand zero […]

Market Talk – February 7, 2020

ASIA: India’s Ministry of External Affairs offered help to evacuate Pakistani students from the epicenter of the deadly coronavirus outbreak in China’s Wuhan after Pakistan refused to evacuate its citizens from Wuhan. In a statement released by India’s Foreign Affairs Ministry, India’s Foreign Minister S Jaishankar told Indian Parliament on Friday that when India sent […]

Impeachment – Democrats & Point of No Return

COMMENT: Dear Martin, I consider myself a “political atheist and have the habit of informing myself by following a wide variety of quality news sources (from a variety of countries ) across the political spectrum and think thus getting a good idea of what’s going on in the USA at this point. .. I have […]

Impeachment 2.0

I previously warned that the Democrats were considering a second Impeachment. The Democrats cannot defeat Trump in a fair election. They have sought to effectively stage a coup and Adam B. Schiff, California Democrat is launching an investigation of President Trump and his entire family as well as his businesses. The new theory is he must […]

The Dow – Impeachment – Economic Confidence Model

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong Thank you for this education. I’ve had to unlearn almost everything from the MBA I got. They’ll never teach this stuff in schools, it’s too dangerous. Question: If the Dow closes above the January high in Feb, would that be a cycle inversion, with the market going up when it should have […]

Let the Political Games Begin – Battle to the Death

Well when our computer warned that the 2020 election was going to be the most contested and violent, we just saw how it will kick-off. The impeachment trial has ended and it was really a joke. At least Clinton and Nixon committed crimes that anybody else would have gone to prison for committing. This was […]

Market Talk – February 5, 2020

ASIA: Hong Kong announced that any travelers from mainland China will be faced with a 14-day quarantine period before being allowed into the country. Carrie Lam, Hong Kong’s Chief Executive, said the measure will be in effect at midnight on the 8th of February. The virus has now affected around 25,000 people globally and deaths […]

Market Talk – February 4, 2020

ASIA: China is at risk of facing a technical recession, defined as two consecutive quarters of GDP contraction. In 2019, China’s GDP grew by 6.1%, which marked the slowest rate of growth since 1990. Today, China confirmed that the death toll due to the coronavirus has reached 425, and over 20,000 citizens have been infected […]

Has Pelosi Ensured the Breakup of the Democratic Party?

What is very clear is that we no longer have a functioning government. This impeachment of Trump has been a desperate attempt to stage a fake impeachment for the election. History will see this as the lowest point in the history of the Democrats. Even Ken Starr, the former independent counsel whose investigation led to […]