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Market Talk – August 23, 2019

ASIA: The US-Chinese trade war took another turn for the worse today as China unveiled another round of tariffs on about 75 billion USD worth of US goods. The tariffs will go ahead on the 1st of September and will consist of 5 to 10% additions on imports of US goods. The Chinese also plans […]

Market Talk – August 22, 2019

ASIA: More news emerging regarding a China retaliation of a possible US-Taiwan arms sales. A lot of the talks are subjective in nature, however, the deal for 66 aircrafts looks as if it will go through. China recently made an intention to stop purchasing US agriculture products, however, according to Reuters there have been some […]

Market Talk – August 21, 2019

ASIA: China announced that they will be looking into placing sanctions on any US company involved in the proposed US-Taiwan sale of F-16 fighter jets. The US approved of an 8 billion USD transaction of 66 aircrafts. Twitter and Facebook have apparently shut down Chinese state-owned accounts that were trying to downgrade the Hong Kong […]

The Gold Standard Fell As All Currency Pegs Do

COMMENT: Dear Marty, In your recent blog about BREXIT, and. “Remainers acting in self-interest”, you produced an ONS graph showing UK’s growth rates before and after joining the EU (previously known as the Common Market), and concluded: “Britain has NEVER received a fair deal since joining the EU”. Surely you have overlooked a groundbreaking event […]

Market Talk – August 20, 2019

ASIA: A new report released from Australia highlighted Chinese military force in the region. The report suggests significant improvements in Chinese military capabilities that could overwhelm US bases in the region in a matter of hours. This may indicate that the US stranglehold of the region could be at an end. Perhaps the report was […]

The Fed’s Real Crisis – To Cut or Not to Cut

  QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; You seem to be the only person who distinguishes private interest rates v public. Has the marketplace gone insane along with Trump demanding 100 basis point cut by the Fed? I find it curious how they only quote the same people in the press who seem to preach the government position […]

Why the Remain Politicians Only Speak their Own Self Interest

COMMENT FROM UK: On the subject of Phillip Hammond and Brexit, this is just the latest in a long list of pro-elite politicians who are looking to protect their career interests by aligning with the globalist system. Blair made hundreds of millions, Brown and Darling bailed out the banks and then went to work in […]

Market Talk – August 19, 2019

ASIA: There are reports of military personnel in the city’s largest sports complex across the Hong Kong border in neighboring Chinese city Shenzhen. This is a reminder to Hong Kong that China is ready if the situation gets out of hand for local police. Meanwhile, a report from website Gizmodo is reporting that China’s largest […]

The Rising Tensions: Kashmir – Hong Kong – Korea

The War Cycle is by far on schedule. We have tensions rising almost everywhere. In Asia, we have the Kashmir Crisis as hundreds of people took the streets in Srinagar, the main Indian city, to protest New Delhi’s decision to lift the special status of the territory. In Hong Kong, there are fears that China […]

Will Governments ever Listen Before there is Blood in the Streets?

COMMENT: Thank you for ‘Why Private Blogs’. You should get goose bumps once in a while about your work~, the project is massive in scale, certainly worthy of my respect and everyone else in readerville and your employ as well. This piece is well written and also lays out a good mission statement reminder to […]