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AOC Has Got to Go

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) is no longer the progressive sweetheart in the public eye. AOC’s willingness to thrust America into war has caused her supporters to see her as a hypocrite and a coward. “I believed in you, and you became the very thing you sought to fight against,” one member in a Bronx AOC […]

Florida Agriculture Losses from Ian

The damages from the hurricane are still being evaluated, but preliminary estimates state that Ian caused Florida’s agriculture industry to lose up to $1.56 billion. Around five million acres of farmland were destroyed by the hurricane, 60% of which was grazing land for cattle. An additional 500,000 acres were affected but not destroyed. Florida produces […]

Iranian Drones

The western alliance is not the only one providing military training. Iran has sent military members to Crimea to train Russian troops. Specifically, they are training them to use Iranian drones. There were reports of Russian troops visiting Iran in August to learn how to operate unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). Since then, there have been […]

Biden is Not President

  COMMENT:  Hello Mr. Armstrong, as to the below “Blog/ Corruption” …. and then there is Canada – the next door neighbor … who could have avoided a North American oil crisis … but it’s Pipeline was shut down by Biden to spite Trump …. but no mention of this any-wheres … (not here either […]

Market Talk – October 20, 2022

ASIA:   Australia and Singapore agreed on Tuesday on a “green economy” deal to boost cooperation on climate investment, financing and technology. Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong told a news conference in Canberra that the agreement would start with initiatives such as developing a list of environmental goods and services that could be given […]

Ballot Harvesting in Arizona

Biden received more votes than any president in US history, but not legally. There is documented evidence of people voting numerous times, and the documentary “2000 Mules” shows exactly how people swung the vote in Biden’s favor. Mail-in ballots changed the 2020 US Presidential Election. No ID was required to vote, forms were sent to […]

Australia to Pay Funeral Expenses of Those Who DIED From Mandatory Vaccine

Australia imposed some of the harshest lockdown laws in the world. They built quarantine camps and forcibly imprisoned citizens. They mandated the “safe and effective” vaccine – and now, they are offering to cover the funeral expenses of those who have died from the jab. This is not a parody. The Australian Government has implemented […]

Biden Has Ensured the Fall of the USA

QUESTION: Marty, do you think that electric cars should be avoided? What do you see for the future? Biden looks like he has undermined Israel all over pleading for low gasoline prices. thank you FG ANSWER: The goal of energy independence was achieved under Trump. Now, under Biden, he had depleted the oil reserves all to […]

Market Talk – October 19, 2022

ASIA:   A wholly owned subsidiary of the Agricultural Bank of China (ABC) has been approved to set up a wealth management joint venture (JV) with BNP Paribas Asset Management, ABC said on Wednesday in an online statement. The move indicates that the potential of the Chinese wealth management sector is being further explored, with […]

Market Talk – October 18, 2022

ASIA:   The Bank of Japan is considering revising its inflation outlook upward for the current fiscal year to next March, factoring in a bigger-than-expected impact from the yen’s sharp drop and higher commodity prices, Reuters reported. The central bank is widely expected to maintain its ultralow rate policy as the pace of economic recovery […]