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Biden Needs to Be Impeached for Violating the Constitution Impacting the World

The Constitution’s Article I, Section 8 specifically lists as a power of Congress – the power “to declare War,” which unquestionably gives the legislature the power to initiate hostilities. The extent to which this clause limits the President’s ability to use any force without Congress’s affirmative approval remains highly contested. Can the president order a […]


QUESTION: Marty, Why don’t you do your own show weekly that can be on Rumble and YouTube. You would get millions of viewers here from Europe alone. Nobody has global experience like you. Your Infowars had a viewership of about 400k. I’ve been to your Hong Kong WEC and Frankfurt. You have a huge following […]

Market Talk – March 30, 2022

ASIA:   The major Asian stock markets had a mixed day today: NIKKEI 225 decreased 225.17 points or -0.80% to 28,027.25 Shanghai increased 62.66 points or 1.96% to 3,266.60 Hang Seng increased 304.40 points or 1.39% to 22.232.03 ASX 200 increased 50.20 points or 0.67% to 7,514.50 Kospi increased 5.67 points or 0.21% to 2,746.74 […]

Weaponizing Russian Energy

In an attempt to boost the ruble and avoid sanctions, Russia will stop accepting payments in dollars and euros from “unfriendly countries.” India is on board and willing to change to a SWIFT alternative to easily convert rupees to rubles. The G7 has declared that they will not pay for gas in rubles. “[A]ll G-7 […]

Market Myths – Critical Issue To Understand

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, I am trying to make sense of the US stock markets and am trying to understand how to best position myself now. I feel I did a terrible mistake by “betting” on further declining markets roughly two weeks ago – given the expected policy change of the Fed, the already high […]

Market Talk – March 29, 2022

ASIA: Three of China’s largest banks have said that the country’s lenders face multiple headwinds this year that include the pandemic, global politics and domestic turmoil in the real estate industry. China’s banking industry is facing “a more complicated and severe business environment,” the country’s second-biggest lender by assets China Construction Bank Corp, said on […]

ECASH & Elizabeth Warren’s Hatred of America Linked to WEF

QUESTION #1: Is this ECASH bill an attempt to do an end-run around the Fed raising interest rates and preparing to default on debt EM QUESTION #2: Martin: Congratulations on your “scoop” regarding ECASH, however… have done an extremely poor job of actually describing what it is…who will have it…will it be mandatory for everyone…what […]

Market Talk – March 28, 2022

ASIA: China’s financial hub of Shanghai launched a two-stage lockdown of its 26 million residents on Monday, closing bridges and tunnels and restricting highway traffic in a scramble to contain surging COVID-19 cases. It is the biggest COVID-related disruption to hit Shanghai and sent prices of commodities including oil and copper lower on fears that […]

Hunter Biden’s Laptop – Funding Bioweapons in Ukraine

Hunter Biden’s Laptop is the gift that keeps giving. It has now surfaced that Hunter did help finance a US military ‘bioweapons’ research program in Ukraine. This is confirming that Putin’s allegations are in fact not totally propaganda. This is being confirmed even by the London Daily Mail. Little by little the truth ALWAYS surfaces. […]

The Doomsday Jet

The Neocons have accomplished their objective. They dethroned Trump and installed the senile president who will go down in history as the President that began World War III. His name will be remembered in infamy because it is always the president who history remembers – not the dark figures behind the curtain prodding him on […]