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The Rise & Fall of Empires, Nations, & City States has been Going on for Thousands of Years – It’s Just Our Turn!

COMMENT: Marty: I was re-reading Herodotus and saw early in his book a reference to the rise and fall of civilizations pertinent to the concept of capital flows: Herodotus, Histories 1:5 “For many states that were once great have now become small; and those that were great in my time were small before. Knowing therefore […]

Sidney Powell Shoots Herself in the Head – not the Foot

  QUESTION: What do you think about Sidney Powell saying no reasonable person would believe what she says. HD ANSWER: I understand the legal argument that there is no harm because she was not believed. If they suffered no harm there is no claim for damages. I have never seen proof that the software of […]

Coal Consumption to Rise by 16% Here in 2021

COMMENT: Hi Martin, I live in Leicester, UK. They began with these “exercises” and “simulations” as I call them regarding Power Outages. Just have one right now. There is no reason for a power outage since the network is all fine. It is all deliberately imposed. Can you explain what next? Thanks. D REPLY: They […]

Market Talk – March 15, 2021

ASIA: A Covid-19 vaccine developed by the Institute of Microbiology of Chinese Academy of Sciences (IMCAS) has obtained the green light for emergency use in China, the institute said on Monday, marking the country’s fifth vaccine eligible for some scale of use. The ZF2001 vaccine, being tested in a late-stage clinical trial aiming to recruit […]

Dorsey Moves into Banking as Promised to Overthrow Trump

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, I thought you were wrong on Bitcoin and that it was a store of value. I can see now that it is only a trading vehicle as you have said. But what made me write to you is I just read that Dorsey is opening up an online bank. You got that […]

Market Talk – March 2, 2021

ASIA: Bank of America economist said China stands a good chance of doubling the size of its economy by 2035 — and surpassing the U.S. as the world’s largest economy along the way. Helen Qiao, head of Asia economics at BofA Global Research, said some reform measures would help China get there. Doubling of China’s […]

Market Talk – February 25, 2021

ASIA: US Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack believes China is making good on promises it made as part of the landmark phase one trade deal it signed with the US last year. Vilsack said that the deal allows for market conditions to dictate how much Beijing is required to purchase from US farmers. The COVID pandemic, […]

Market Talk – February 22, 2021

ASIA: Senior Chinese diplomat Wang Yi said on Monday the United States and China could work together on issues like climate change and the coronavirus pandemic if they repaired their damaged bilateral relationship. Wang said China is willing to reopen constructive dialogue with Washington after relations between the two countries sank to their lowest in […]


QUESTION #1`: Marty, At the October 2019 WEC you made some eerily prescient statements about two things, first, if the market were to make a low going into the January 2020 period, that might be the bottom; or, if a high were made then(it did), then something profound would appear to happen in the February March […]

Senate Acquits Trump as Expected

The Senate acquitted former President Donald Trump a second time Saturday after a historic impeachment trial which was totally unconstitutional since Trump was no longer President and the Chief Just refused to preside. Had Trump been impeached, he could have appealed to the Supreme Court, and then he would, at last, be able to present […]