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Madrid Threatens Imprisonment & Death to Catalonia Leaders?

  The Spanish Government is clearly fascist and cannot escape that stigma. The day before the appearance of Carles Puigdemont in front of the regional parliament of Catalonia, the Madrid government has come out and warned of serious bodily threats that one would expect only from a dictator – not an elected democratic government. Prime […]

Germany Moves Ahead with Nord Stream II

EU lawyers have sided with Germany and effectively told the European Commission that their bid to regulate a new Russia-Germany gas pipeline known as- Nord Stream 2 (NS2) is seriously flawed. The now former German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder  is working with the Russians to push this project forward. This clearly demonstrates that Germany has the upper-hand […]

Market Talk- October 9th, 2017

Generally a very quiet day in the markets, no real game changing events shocked the major markets today. German industrial production was announced with 2.6% MOM gain as opposed to a 0.7% forecast. ECB’s Lautenschlaeger did have a speech and hinted at scaling back asset repurchasing next year with the view to scrap the program […]

The Epidemic of Fake Analysis

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; I want to thank you for your work on Europe. We hear nothing from European analysts but up-up-and away and it makes one wonder if that is not fake analysis just like the news. Nobody seems to be talking about how retail sales are declining in Europe and even my mother, who […]

The Bull Market – This time It Really Is Different

This current Bull Market has indeed been the most hated in history. Typically one expects complete euphoria as new highs are made. However, this bull market is really different this time. This rally is by no means the product of euphoria. While the majority of analysts have been calling for a crash since 2010 and […]

EU is becoming a No-Go-Zone for Business

The European Union has ordered AMAZON to pay about 250 million euros ($294 million) in taxes to Luxembourg, saying it was given an unfair tax advantage from 2003 because it paid less than they would have paid in France or Germany. The EU is retroactively changing taxes. This is a sure fire way of telling […]

ECB v the Federal Reserve – Different Animals Altogether

QUESTION: Do you really think Trump would let the Central Banks Default? He said we would write off PoteRicos debt maybe he plans to write everything off can he do that? If this really did happen wouldn’t the dollar be worthless? S ANSWER: It seems as though far too many people ASSUME that all central […]

EU Press Release Show They Support Tyranny

The press release put out by the EU is just amazing. A dictator can write any law he desires declaring something to be illegal. The EU relies upon that unethical law to claim that Catalonia has no right to vote. Canada allowed Quebec to vote twice and Britain allowed Scotland to vote. Why is Catalonia […]

Central Banks at Risk of Default?

Central banks do not play games with the markets but it sure feels like we are being played by someone! Earlier this year the Bank of Japan, Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank all had similar balance sheets at around $4.5 trillion.  As we know, over the past ten years all three have risen from lower levels but have […]

Market Talk- October 3rd, 2017

With core China market still closed, activity in Asia remains rather subdued. The trend is still constructive, following the steady US session but volumes continue low. The Nikkei closed up over 1% as currency drifts weaker and JGB’s are a touch softer. Hong Kong played catch-up and traded strong all day, closing over 2.25% firmer […]