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European Economy Continues to Implode

The French government plans to pump billions more in aid desperately trying to save the Peugeot factory in Aulay. Hollande refuses to realize that raising taxes causes economic decline and a greater proportion of money goes to government. The Peugeot production facility is unprofitable and the operation is functioning more like a communist organization rather than […]

Throw the Bums Out

The Disapproval Rating of Congress has reached an all time high 83%. This is a historical high and is moving into what our computer has been forecasting that 2016 will be a rise in 3rd Party Activity. It is a shame, but politics has lost all touch with the people. The White House is actually […]

India Shuts Down Gold Imports

Indian banks are now required to set aside 20% of all imported gold for export purposes. Gold is now to be held in bonded warehouses and banks may only import additional gold after they have exported at least 75% of those reserves. We reported previously that the current account deficit in India has been driven by the […]

Economic Collapse Produces A Surge of Reform

A number of people have asked: What do you expect after 2015.75? Is it possible that the shift in capital after the turning point would be an early move back into gold? That you so much for explaining hyperinflation and deflation. People do not appreciate how economic shocks are always followed by economic reforms. The […]

Why the World Economic Must Collapse – This is Important

When the founders of the United States put pen to paper, they outlawed DIRECT TAXATION to preserve liberty. The American Revolution slogan was NO TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION. Now G20 backs new tax transparency plan that will be the fatal blow to the world economy. The new tax reform action plan has won the support of the G20, […]

Americans Not Welcome Outside USA

Here is the list of countries of accepted clients (citizen of) who can open accounts in Switzerland. People with passports from other countries in a DUAL capacity will not be accepted. That includes all Americans.   1 Primärländer 2 Sekundärländer Australia Austria Belgium Canada Denmark Finland France Germany Greece Iceland Ireland Italy Liechtenstein Luxembourg Netherlands New […]

The Discovery of a New Element

The Discovery of a New Element Scientists at CERN in Geneva have announced the discovery of the heaviest element yet known to science. The new element Governmentium (Gv). It has one neutron, 25 assistant neutrons, 88 deputy neutrons and 198 assistant deputy neutrons giving it an atomic mass of 312. These 312 particles are held […]

Major v Minor – What is the Difference

QUESTION: ” But keep in mind that the major event should be later 2015 – not right now.” Could you please explain with more details these important words? ANSWER: The 1987 Crash was just that on the mid-term turning point with the crash unfolding, but that was short-lived and not a sustained change in trend qualifying it as a minor rather than […]

ECB & China Accepting the Same Type of Products from Banks that Blew Up the World in 2007

The ECB and China are allowing their banks to post the very same products that Blew-Up the Financial World as collateral for loans. The banking crisis in Europe is devastating because the reserves were the various euro bonds of all member states. Cyprus went down because of their losses on Greek bonds. Banks is Europe […]

Britain Brings Criminal Charges in LIBOR Fraud

Unlike the USA, the British courts and legal process are not as in bed with the bankers as they are in New York. They have brought to court today on criminal charges former brokers charged with conspiracy in the LIBOR interest rate fraud that continues to expand. This stands in stark contrast to the policy […]