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Fed Minutes Show 50% of Board Want QE To End by Year-end

The minutes of the Fed meeting are showing that we may not be talking about tapering the Quantitative Easing, we may be looking at its end. Bernanke is leaving because the Fed has no room to manipulate the economy no less interest rates. This is perhaps the greatest dissent within the Fed we have every […]

US Worst Tax Oppression Ranking 94Th in World Below Zimbabwe

US Citizens begin Lobby to Repeal International Taxation on American Citizens. What they need to know is that Congress did not write a law taxing worldwide income. That was a judge who decided that and he had no such power. To fight this issue, in a Texas court I suggest bringing a lawsuit against the […]

Where will Capital Go After 2015.75?

QUESTION: When the capital flows change direction after 2015.75, . . . .. If the inflows come to the USA after Japan & Europe implode, where does capital go after 2015.75?????? ANSWER: If we see the crisis unfold in Europe and Japan over the next 2 years, we will get the traditional Phase Transition here like Japan […]

So Who Really Tried to Blackmail Yeltsin & Takeover Russia – NSA-CIA-or Investment Bankers?

Perhaps the number one question I always get about the ordeal I went through and the sheer chaos that surrounded everything, was just who really was behind the plot to blackmail the former head of Russia Boris Yeltsin to stop him from running for reelection in 2000 and hand-pick Boris Abramovich Berezovsky? It is true […]

Opinion v Source

QUESTION: I was taking to a fellow attendee at your Princeton conference who has been following you since the 1980’s. He said when you write the Fed is telling banks to “re-calibrate”, this is not speculation or opinion, but fact based upon real sources. Is this true? ANSWER: Yes. I never speculate like that. If I am […]

Opinion v Source

QUESTION: I was taking to a fellow attendee at your Princeton conference who has been following you since the 1980’s. He said when you write the Fed is telling banks to “re-calibrate”, this is not speculation or opinion, but fact based upon real sources. Is this true? ANSWER: Yes. I never speculate like that. If […]

Microsoft – Why NASA Dumped Windows & Why Skype Must Be Dumped

Microsoft has collaborated closely with US intelligence services to allow users’ communications to be intercepted, including helping the National Security Agency (NSA) to circumvent the company’s own encryption, according to top-secret documents obtained by the Guardian. After digging into Microsoft’s Windows 8, I became very alarmed that the Start Screen was reporting back to […]

June Figures Show US Moves to Budget Surplus!!!!

The US government reported a budget surplus of $116.5bn in June, the most in five years. This is part of the trend of stagflation – rising costs with rising prices and slower economic growth. So much for hyperinflation.

Return of Glass-Steagall

There are a group of Senators who want to bring back Glass-Steagall separating commercial banks from investment banks. That was removed by Goldman Sachs’ Robert Rubin under Bill Clinton. Nevertheless, the Fed is already advising banks that they will not insure losses on the trading side. The Fed has been advising banks they will only […]

Forecasting Arrays

How to use the Arrays has been added to the Models Menu