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Interest Rates will Soar into 2015.75 and Beyond

Here is our 1996 forecast for long-term interest rates that we put out with the dollar low in 1995. We warned that interest rates would bottom on the Pi Cycle 31.4 Years from the 1981 high. That would be followed by a very sharp rally in rates into 2015.75. This was all part of the […]

Can we learn collectively from the past and take one giant step forward for mankind?

QUESTION: Marty; I get it. You are Galileo in the financial world. You are a threat to everyone from government, Goldbugs,  to analytical circles. That is why they are so afraid of you and desperately try to pretend you do not exist. The treatment you received from the Goldbugs was disgusting and no different from […]

ECM – Just Follow the Money

QUESTION: Hi Marty, Has the ECM failed to predict events in the past? If so, which ones and were you able to modify to address the flaw? If not, what event(s) would need to occur to disprove the validity of the ECM? Best Regards, Kyle ANSWER: No. It is a composite of everything, not anything […]

Computer v Human Interpretation

From a human perspective, we are only capable to forecasting what we THINK is possible. The questions about knowledge and relationships are interesting but understand one thing. Nobody is capable to knowing everything. We are all human. The computer model is a fully functioning Artificial Intelligence System that learns like a child, and stores its […]

Unemployment v Recovery

QUESTION: Can there be a recovery with rising unemployment? There seems to be some who say that is impossible. ANSWER: This is the entire problem with analysis. There is NEVER a standard answer because the truth is far more complex. The common mistake in analysis is man’s desire to reduce everything to a single one-dimensional […]

All Major Governments Die by their Own Hand

QUESTION: “So Deutsche Bank is bankrupt and US investment and commercial banks are at big risk from rising yields, but all the stock prices are still going up because people will trust owning Goldman or Barclays stocks over owning government bonds???” ANSWER: I seriously doubt that bank stocks will do well. During the Sovereign Debt […]

Most now target Gold in the 1050 range – You Are Your Biggest Adversary

Most of the forecasts now target gold in the 1050 range. This generally means that we could overshoot and crack $1,000 shifting the sentiment decisively negative. This will be POSITIVE long term for just as the talking heads disbelieved the rise in the Dow even as it made new highs laughing how this time they […]

Never punish a people for the sins of their political leaders

COMMENT: Marty – You are correct I believe in regards to Germany during the 1919-1923 period and even beyond…It was taken over by the Bolsheviks. You’ve alluded to the revolutionary Marxist takeover and government in Germany at this time…a fact many people probably aren’t aware of.   Also, what many don’t realize is that CHAOS […]

FDIC-Bank of England – Bail-In

  Resolving Globally Active, Systemically Important, Financial Institutions A joint paper by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and the Bank of England   10 December 2012           Resolving Globally Active, Systemically Important, Financial Institutions Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and the Bank of England     Executive summary   The financial crisis […]

Using a Multitude of Agencies to Defeat Rights

Thomas Jefferson included among the injuries inflicted by the King in the Declaration of Independence the trick of creating a multitude of agencies. He wrote: He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harrass our people, and eat out their substance. One reason the SEC and CFTC hate […]