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A Whole New World

The rise in interest rates will have a major impact upon commercial and investment banks. Believe it or not, their models are incapable of forecasting major changes in trend. They are far too short-term oriented and are created by quants with no real historical debt. That was the subject of When Genius Failed: The Rise and […]

Copper Riots of 1662

Money has always been fiat whenever government gets involved. Aside from the debasements of England under Henry VIII and the Great Monetary Crisis of the 3rd century in Rome or the Great Monetary Crisis of 1092 in Byzantium, we even see attempts by city states like Florence. However, one of the great riots over money […]

Will Syria be the Start of World War III in 2014?

The civil war in Syria has long-reaching consequences for the whole region. However, nothing is more serious than making the same mistake twice. While it is popular to demonize both the leaders of Syria and the former leader of Iraq Saddam Hussein, what both did was keep the religious zealots in check. The consequences for […]

The High Cost of Economic Decline Politicians Ignore

  1929 Suicide Jumpers Whenever there is a deep economic decline with the economy imploding into a black hole of deflation, suicides skyrocket. The high cost of massive unemployment in Europe leads to massive desperation. As this erupts on a greater scale, what comes bursting forth is civil unrest and revolution. I cannot stress enough […]

Fundamentals & Gold & The Euro

Gold tumbled about 3% after positive US jobs data sent the dollar rallying and rekindled worries the Federal Reserve could be tempted to scale back its monetary stimulus later in the year. I have warned that the US economic outlook is bullish into 2015.75. The dollar will rise and that will help turn the US […]

If you cannot Meet EU Criteria – Change the Rules

The EU is changing the rules concerning deficits. Whatever countries spend on infrastructure will be exempt from the deficit, even though the debts will increase further. Their idea of creating jobs is to hire more government workers rather than reduce taxes to create business. Just amazing.

Its a Tinfoil Hat Conspiracy

QUESTION: Today employment came with 195K. 1- If Europe is imploding, China slowing, Emerging markets slowing, is the US employment story sustainable? 2- After the governments bond collapse beyond 2015.75, could USA devalue the dollar and make a combination of bond default with a new currency? 3- Is physical gold in the allocated form in a […]

Gold & Euro – Here we Go Again.

One reader writes making a statement that clearly we are so influential and that is why only a fool does not read our work. Some people assume simply because I said Friday was a low in gold and we should get a 3 day reaction rally and it does, that this is all influence. This […]

Male or Female Makes No Difference – They Are All After Your Money

When Diocletian (284-305AD) came to power after the Great Monetary Collapse of the 3rd Century, he sought to restore the economy even reintroducing silver coins. However, to accomplish that he imposed aggressive taxation and invented passports since you could not travel leaving your town unless you paid your taxes. This is exactly what is in […]

Gee Wiz! The Euro Crisis is not Over? Who would have guessed?

The Euro has plummeted dropping to 12900 zone. Our Daily Bearish on the spot lies at 12940. Portugal interest rates have jumped to 8% and will move higher. Austria has closed 25% of all the branches of their bank in crisis, and we are waiting for the first crack in German banks. The EU Commission […]