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The US Share Market Reality Exposed

The US share markets are being driven up by two main factors. First, institutions have sold the market assuming there would be a major crash. In February at the lows, Goldman Sachs was forecasting that the market could plunge another 25%. In May, Goldman Sachs again was warning that the next crash will be worse because […]

The Significance of the Velocity of Money

QUESTION: Greetings Marty, I have followed you since the old Money Radio days! Can you help me understand the disparity between the declining velocity of money, the growth of the economy and what the natural consequence may be? Thank you for your willingness to share your knowledge! Regards, MRM   ANSWER: Oh yes. Buzz Schwartz […]

CNN Has been Caught at Creating Fake News & Everyone Else is Pointing the Finger at them

CNN reported that Trump’s former lawyer, Michael Cohen, was ready to tell Mueller that Trump knew about the meeting with Russias at Trump Tower in advance. Many other newspapers report the story using CNN as the source that this was the “bombshell” that would impeach Trump. that The problem is that Cohen’s lawyer, Lanny Davis, has […]

Attributing All-Powerful Ability to CIA is not Warranted

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; You seem to be the only reliable source on these machinations of Russiagate. There are those who say that the neoconservatives used Ukranian politicians financed by Washington to overthrow the democratically elected government of Ukraine and to put in office a government hostile to Russia. The intent was to use Ukraine, a Russian […]

The Rumors are that Turkey Will Default

The rumors running around is that Turkey will default as Erdogan decides to move to align with Iran and Russia and leave the West behind. While there have been speculative attacks on the Turkish economy and US tariffs and sanctions have been detrimental, the initial causes of this growing monetary problem are really all internal. Erdogan’s management of […]

Three Volcanoes Erupt at Same Time & New Evidence of Gamma Ray Intensity

  A number of people have written in that they enjoyed the phrase I made up that we are like a pebble at the bottom of the ocean with no clue what lies above our heads. I have stressed that our computer correlated volcanoes with the decline in solar sunspot activity. What has also been […]

Left & Right Clash Violently in Chemnitz, Germany

Violent protests by thousands of right and left political persuasions in downtown Chemnitz, Germany have resulted in at least two people being injured Monday night. For two days now a spontaneous demonstration after the deadly stab wounds on a 35-year-old German at the Chemnitz City Festival was done by migrants. The frustration over the Refugee Crisis […]

Flipping of the Poles Rapid or Gradual?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I read your Mayan report and it was fascinating. Do you think that these strange anomalies of places that are cool experiencing hot summers and where it should be hot have been getting cool are a prelude to climate change that may be the preparation for the flipping of the poles? EK ANSWER: […]

Zimbabwe – New President is Sworn In

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, Zimbabwe is just coming out of a very hard time. Their currency is not (at least to my knowledge) recognised internationally. What advice would you give to the Government as they try to sort out this situation? Would you consider advising them on the way forward so that they do not make […]

The German Pension Crisis to Become a Political Issue as in Italy

The Pension Crisis is starting to be noticed in Europe. The German Finance Minister Olaf Scholz is arguing that the federal government has to guarantee the pension level until 2040. He is arguing that the government MUST come up with a plausible financing model which seems actually impossible. The increase in taxes to cover pension that […]