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Market Talk – October 17, 2022

ASIA: India’s retail inflation is set to ease from September levels, while economic activity is poised to expand, the Reserve Bank of India said in its monthly bulletin published on Monday. India’s retail inflation accelerated in September to a five-month high of 7.41% from a year earlier as food prices surged. RBI said the persistence […]

Ukraine was Never a Country until 1991

Map showing how Borders have Changed over the centuries for which we are to die for Ukraine was NEVER a country until 1991 east of the river. That is why Bandara joined Hitler’s Nazis, promising they would be allowed to form a nation. Kiev was the origin of the Rus who are the Russians today. […]

Zelensky Still Pushing to Start World War III

Ukraine is doomed unless it removes Zelensky from power. I have warned that this guy whose only qualification is to dance in high heels, is a threat to the entire world. The West has cheered him and has been using the Ukrainian people as cannon fodder for their war to conquer Russia is endangering everyone, […]

Do We Have Any Rights?

QUESTION: Hi Marty, Is it still possible for the People to save the USA and revert it back to its original form, as was indented in the Constitution –  rights not enumerated to the Government, belong to the State or to the People? I spend some time in the USA and in public high school. At no […]

The Plot to Seize Russia

  The latest book, The Plot to Seize Russia (unedited version), will be handed out at the WEC. This work has been made possible by the declassification of the documents from the Clinton Administration. This book contains even the transcripts of phone calls between Yeltsin and Bill Clinton, thanks to the Freedom of Information Act. […]

Canadians Beware

QUESTION: Martin If we are going to have a war is my money safe in my Canadian banks, or should I have some cash? Regards   ANSWER: Canadians should keep some US dollars in cash. Trudeau canceled high-value notes. As of January 2021, he obtained the power to cancel Canadian currency as they do in […]

ICC Trying to Justify Charging Putin

Sources at the ICC have revealed a shocking account that all the lawyers there are trying to just talk trash to justify charging Putin with war crimes. First of all, they have no jurisdiction over ANY head of state. In addition, Neither the United States nor Russia signed the agreement that would allow any of […]

Market Talk – October 14, 2022

ASIA:   China’s securities regulator said on Friday it plans to revise rules to make it easier for listed companies to buy back shares in a bid to bolster corporate value and protect investor interest. The China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) published the draft rules as China’s benchmark CSI300 Index has lost more than 20% […]

Pfizer Never Tested the Vaccine Against Transmission

Socrates has been predicting a downturn for Pfizer’s stock. Could this newly released admission be one of the culprits? A senior Pfizer executive, Janine Small, testified before the European Parliament’s COVID committee. When Dutch MEP Rob Roos asked about the vaccine’s ability to prevent transmission, Small revealed a well-kept secret. “Did we know about stopping […]

New Interview: The Plot to Seize Russia

Watch the video above or click here to listen to my latest interview. Commentary from Rico Potkaars: "Historian and Economist Martin Armstrong, as a computer programmer created the system called socrates that analyses history, current affairs and the flow of money and extrapolates to what may lie ahead. It gave him the nickname ‘the Forecaster’ […]