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Biden Out to Destroy the US Financial Markets – Tomorrow

The REASON Biden needs war is very simple. The world monetary system is collapsing. The negative interest rates in Europe since 2014 have wiped out all the pension funds that needed 8% to break even. This is what is being the Guaranteed Basic Income because the politicians have destroyed the future of pensions. Even in […]

Is Putin Really Losing?

QUESTION: You do not think that Putin is losing? PH ANSWER: Forgive me if I have studied ancient history too much in detail. This reminds me of when Socrates asked the then most illustrious military commander: Would you ever retreat? He replies no, that was cowardly. Then he gave as an example a pretend defeat […]

Zelensky – Who is Pulling his Strings?

COMMENT #1: Thank you for trying to tell the truth about Zelensky. He is not defending his own people. We elected him because he promised the opposite. Why does the West only listen to this traitor? Anonymous COMMENT #2: “Zelensky sacrificing his own people” ? Seems to me that psychotic dictator in the Kremlin has […]

China Backs Russia – they are All-In

  QUESTION: Marty; I remember when the Chinese central bank said they were using capital flow analysis which is your model. You said China should buy US debt directly from the Treasury and not the NY bankers. They did that in a matter of weeks. So when they say they are on the right side […]

Are we Following the Path of Pearl Harbor?

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong. You previously mentioned that the chance for world war 3 will come to play after 2027 … but nowadays you are warning that those dead head’s in the west are pushing the world into world war 3 right now. Is there a change in the timeline? With much appreciation, Tal ANSWER:  […]

Czech Republic to Seize All Russian People’s Assets

Leading Czech politicians are calling for all property within the Czech Republic of all Russians to be indefinitely ‘frozen’ in violation of international law. The onus would be on the victims to “prove” that they are against the Putin regime. There are about 40,000 Russians living in the Czech Republic, plus others who have property […]


  COMMENT: Putin is a madman. He has invaded a sovereign nation and Russia has to pay for that. SV ANSWER: Obviously, you are believing the propaganda from the West. Putin has stated from the outset that he was NOT seeking to occupy or conquer Ukraine. Just look at the numbers. Estimates of Russian troop […]

Should we Cheer for Putin to Lose?

While the Neocon strategy of DEMONIZING an adversary as they have done to Putin, the very same strategy was used to get people to absolutely hate Donald Trump. The more someone hates Trump still, the more susceptible they are to simple techniques of mind manipulation. This has led many to cheer for the Ukrainians to […]

It’s Not Just Energy – It’s Also Metals

The outrageous sanctions imposed by Biden on Russia has undermined the entire world economy. Sanctions have never worked and this time they were designed to try to hurt the Russian people so profoundly that they would overthrow Putin – regime change. The Ukrainians are even naming Alexander Bortnikov, the Russian Director of the Federal Security […]

Putin puts Biden’s King in Check

The absolute stupidity of those in the Biden Administration will go down in history as probably the dumbest ever in the history of the world, not just the United States. Besides disrupting energy supplies, and subjecting the world to a shortage of wheat when Russia and Ukraine represent 30% of the world exports, Biden’s sheer […]