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Interstate Banking & Changes to the Federal Reserve

QUESTION:  Hi Marty, You say, “The one-size-fits-all policy of central banks with regard to interest rates pits East v West in both Canada and the United States. Farmers, oil producers, and miners are forced to pay higher interest rates when their economies are declining because of speculative booms in Toronto or New York.” I can […]

The Separatist Movements in Canada & One-Size-Fits-All of Marx

Many people are aware of the various attempts of Quebec to separate from Canada. What they are unaware of is the supporters of the Western Independence Party of Alberta. There has been an undertone of the separatist movement in Alberta which actually stems from the Great Depression usurpation of the Federal Reserve by Franklin D. Roosevelt. […]

Bitcoin To Be or Not to Be?

QUESTION: Hi Martin, Despite the Bitcoin fanboys arguing that Bitcoin is untouchable by governments, would you agree that once governments, in particular, the Chinese government, make it unlawful to own Bitcoins, the additional introduction of proceeds-of-crime legislation would make it extremely difficult, if not impossible, to use Bitcoins to acquire assets, and dealing a permanent blow […]

Federal Reserve is Responsible for Global Warming

COMMENT: Marty,   I was looking at the Global Warming Chart, at the red line and saying to myself, “That look awfully familiar.” Then I got it.   Note how the red line drops down from 1907 to almost 1913, gets a WWI bump and then rises steadily to about 1938. Then it really goes […]

Market Talk- December 12, 2017

Asian markets were a little nervous in todays trading, ahead of FED decision. Despite the strength seen in oil, markets saw prices lower loose their early strength as the day wore on. in China the loans nominal grew from an expected 800bn to 1.1tln and hinder any further progress and even turned sentiment negative in […]

Market Talk- December 11, 2017

A strong session from Asia to open the week with Hang Seng and Shanghai both higher by 1%. Having seen a brief wobble at the start of trading, the move was quickly rejected and we traded from strength to strength. Energy, Tech and Financials were the leaders for the day with volumes actually increasing slightly […]

Market Talk- December 1, 2017

Although Asian indices opened well on the back of a strong US session, they unfortunately could not hold the levels. Part of the reasoning was the tax Bill would be delayed and having seen the DOW blast through the psychological 24k level many were concerned this delay could threaten Thursday gains. The Nikkei was up […]

Renminbi v the Dollar

The dollar haters have been touting that the Chinese yuan, or otherwise known as the renminbi, would kill the dollar and gold will soar. I have warned that China will take the spotlight as the Financial Capital of the World once again but only after 2032. A real assessment of international capital flows reveals the truth. The […]

Corruption is Pervasive & Standard Operating Procedure

COMMENT: I read your post on Trump, Jr. and it does appear obvious that there is no investigation into the whole Maginsky Act and why are Trump Jr.’s lawyers not exposing this more? It seems that corruption only really exists when it always involves government. KA ANSWER: Corruption is a huge problem in all governments […]

US Prosecutors Violating International Law – As Always!

The USA is once again abusing international law. It is a rare event when I find that I actually have to agree with the head of Turkey about anything, but Recep Tayyip Erdogan is absolutely correct. The prosecution of the Turkish Gold Trader Reza Zarrab violates every principle of the rule of law. Mr. Zarrab’s lawyers had asked […]