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Merkel Becoming Euro-Skeptic

Last year, the German chancellor Merkel was calling for “more Europe, not less.” She was behind the idea of federalizing Europe handing more power to Brussels. But as the economy turns down, European Integration is rapidly fading and now even Merkel is bending to the political trend of the rising EU-skeptic movement.

Metals & Phase Transition

QUESTION:  Hi Martin, Thanks for all of your reports, they are very informative. I am an institutional portfolio manager here in Canada. I know you mentioned that the gold correction will go on until all the Bulls have thrown in the towel. I have never been a gold bug. I am only employed to make […]

Deflation v Inflation Consequences of Gov’t actions

QUESTION: They keep saying the same thing that gold has just got to go up. The Goldbugs will not quote you anymore and will not acknowledge you were right. The mainstream press ignores you because they are pro-government and banks doing the same thing as the Goldbugs. It is incredible that they accuse you of […]

Gold The Target

QUESTION: I understand now what you have been trying to explain about gold and have suffered the slings and arrows from the Goldbugs. They have been totally discredited and you are right in saying they are not real analysts. That is why they stopped quting you. The target you gave of 1150 you said was […]

Why Banks ALWAYS Fail

QUESTION: Why do banks seem to always fail? ANSWER: The business model is inherently flawed. They borrow short-term on demand and lend long-term. They take your demand deposits in your checking account and lend for mortgages out 30 years or speculate with your money like M.F. Global who Obama protected proving my point – Democrats […]

Gold in Currencies

QUESTION: If Europe is going down the drain before the US (the lack in confidence in EU governments), isn’t it expectable that the gold price will rise in Europe first? If that isn’t so, will the dollar always be the first refuge and gold the last one, rising only after the US collapses? Thank you […]

Bank Rage in Ireland Shows the Suckers for What They Are

Irish leader Enda Kenny has said he understands “the rage and the anger” of Irish people on Monday (24 June) following a leak of taped conversations by two Anglo-Irish bank bosses which indicate the Irish government was conned into propping up the bankrupt lender. The taped conversations, obtained by the Irish Independent newspaper, between John […]

Sovereign Debt Crisis DVD – $29.95 + $5 Shipping

    Martin Armstrong guides us through economic history. Detailing previous sovereign collapses by showing examples of similar situations to what we are witnessing today. Armstrong explains there are only few possible outcomes to the current crisis and unless a radical change occurs we will face similar fates as our ancestors have seen before. A […]

US Iron Curtain Is Coming in New Immigration Bill for All Americans

  Orrin Hatch Author of Biometric Exit System for All Americans GOP Senator Orrin Hatch introduced an amendment to the immigration bill that is the start of the American Iron Curtain requiring a mandatory biometric exit system at airports with the highest volume of international air travel, that even Senator Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) wanted to do […]

Sovereign Debt Crisis DVD Has Arrived – $29.95 + $5 Shipping

  Martin Armstrong guides us through economic history. Detailing previous sovereign collapses by showing examples of similar situations to what we are witnessing today. Armstrong explains there are only few possible outcomes to the current crisis and unless a radical change occurs we will face similar fates as our ancestors have seen before. A sovereign […]