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China Allows Snowden to Leave Hong Kong & seek asylum in Ecuador

  China Allows Snowden to Leave Hong Kong & seek asylum in Ecuador in a huge blow to Obama. President, Rafael Vicente Correa has offered asylum now to Snowden as well as Assange. The US expected Hong Kong to hand over Snowden, but China must have intervened to allow Snowden to leave, for Hong Kong would […]

As US Economy Turns Down Due to Taxes – So Does the World

Obama and the Democrats have to get through their thick skull that Karl Marx’s ideas are dead. The Collapse of Communism proved that and now it is their turn with socialism that really is the same thing – the people are incapable to spending their own money so government should do it for them. Government […]

What Should the Next Fed Chairman Do?

QUESTION:  “If you were appointed to be the next FED Chairman (after Bernanke), what would you do to solve today’s problem?” M.J. ANSWER: SCREAM! Look for the longest rope, tie it around my neck and jump. The Fed is really powerless despite popular belief. The whole problem breaks down into two parts: 1) We have […]

Rising Interest Rates – Bullish for the Market

QUESTION:  Rates in US going high. Reasons? (right reasons?) Margin calls when markets melt down Fed stops QE It can´t be so simple, can it? Could you please explain more about this? Thanks for all. G.G. ANSWER: A central Bank is never really in charge of the interest rate. It get the credit for being […]

It Takes the British press to be Objective

The American press is obsessed with Snowden’s Pole Dancing girlfriend and claiming he dropped out of high school so somehow this discredits everything he has done. Sorry – they should check the facts. ALL those who are really smart and are independent not buying whatever is shoved down their throat has a long list of […]

NY Times becoming Pro–Government?

Further evidence that the New York Press is bought and paid for is the disgusting obituary of the New York Times on Michael Hastings. The mere fact that the New York Times went out of its way to minimize Hasting’s contribution to stopping corruption in government calls into question his death because if there was a […]

Rising Tide of Civil Unrest

Around the globe people are rising up as Socialism is collapsing. All the promises of a better life have allowed governments to grow like mold in a closed bag of bread. The youth have no future for as government continue to hunt down any money as the G8 leaders pledged to hunt down anyone who […]

Michael Hastings Coincidence or Conspiracy?

  Michael Hastings was one of the few Investigative Journalists still around. Most just do as they are told and live under the thumb of their editors. With Hasting’s death, it appears way too suspicious given the stories he was working on coincidences like this just do not happen. He send an email hours before […]

International Capital Flow Analysis

We will be publishing the International Capital Flow Analysis – the Dawn of the Global Economy that will deal with every panic from 1720 forward and dive deeply into the global economy during the 20th century through the formation of the Federal Reserve, Confiscation of Gold, Hyperinflation in Germany and Eastern Europe, the rise of […]

NSA Sharing Data with Guess Who – NY Bankers