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New Fed Chairman – a Woman

Ben Bernanke will leave office most likely in January when we have more Panic Cycles and that has been shaping up as a turning point. Bernanke is not dumb. He can see the problem with keeping rates so low and realizes they will rise on their own anyhow. The monetary easing is coming to an […]

Gold Standard

QUESTION: If money was gold we would not have inflation. Why do you disagree with that? Do you like inflation? ANSWER: Sorry. Even when gold was money in coin form there was inflation. The economy rises and falls. That is the Business Cycle. Those who advocate the Gold Standard have never invested what they claim. […]

Marshal at Supreme Court Outlaws Protests Himself

The Marshal at the Supreme Court issued new anti-demonstration regulation after law declared unconstitutional by a lower court. This new regulation banning demonstrations on its grounds, came just two days after a broader anti-demonstration law was declared unconstitutional. This new regulation bans activities on the court’s grounds or building such as picketing, speech-making, marching, vigils or […]

Self-Aware Artificial Intelligence

QUESTION: You are a legend in programming that you seem not to be aware of. The debate has been did your computer achieve self-consciousness? ANSWER: No. It achieved self-awareness. It immediately knew the government was trying to take it to its secret computer lab in WTC building 7 that mysterious collapsed even though nothing struck […]

NSA Relies on Private Contractors

The NSA cannot accomplish everything without private contractors. There will always be Snowdens in the system. The government is deeply in bed with various companies. Some they have blackmailed. Others join voluntarily. So your personal information will never be, and cannot be, totally private in the hands of the NSA.

Russia Moves to Defend Syria

  The Russian Vice Admiral Kulakov destroyer is heading for Syria. Just one day after the G8 Summit ended in the complete failure of Western leaders to overcome Russian resistance to a resolution mandating President Bashar Assad’s ouster, Moscow announced Wednesday June 19 that it was dispatching two warships carrying 600 Russian marines to Syria. The official […]

The Dow & The Future

We will be publishing an update shortly on world share markets once we have the ECM turning point in place 8/07. For now, here too the Dow peaked on this reaction from the 6/06 low for 8 trading days into 06/18 when we hit the Directional Change here as well. Look for higher volatility tomorrow. […]

Gold – The Tree Must be Shaken

The number one story has been that the Fed is printing money, it will be worthless, and you have to buy gold. Sorry – way too simplistic. This has been said by the vast MAJORITY becoming one of the most common pieces of investment advice of recent years – just buy gold. The Goldbugs have […]

The Accomplishment of AI – Not Market Manipulation

COMMENT: The turn on the Euro was spot on.   Advice on the Yen/ Dollar   was also spot on.   Please give us some updates on the DOW though The best to you and your staff for all your hard work ANSWER: No body on a personal level can possibly pick so many turning […]

NSA Theme Song they Play as Background Music