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The Nikkei – Hello July

QUESTION: The Nikkei peaked right on your weekly target of May 20th. Amazing! What now? ANSWER: The Nikkei elected one Weekly Bearish Reversal and the next two lie at 12220 and 10440. The Weekly Array shows there is still a lot of posturing to go on as we approach the ECM turning point 8/07.  

Notice to Attempted Breakin

Everyday now it appears that someone from the USA has a full time job trying to breakin to this site. They are bouncing IPs around the world desperately trying to change the content on this site. We believe it’s origin is the firms in NYC. This has also taken the form of a physical breakin […]

US military rejected Kerry’s plan to attack in Syria

It never ends,7340,L-4394292,00.html

Congress introduces Bill to prevent your TV from spying on you!

There is now a New Bill being introduced To Keep Your TV (Or Xbox) From Spying On You. Yes, they can sense what you are doing or want. They were actually looking at linking this into cables so it would be exactly like the pictures in 1984 watching your every move. Just why do these […]

If someone has nothing to hide – Why Care?

Question: You seem to like to bash he government quite a bit but, really you have never said how you would protect national security.   Really,  I could care less if the government spied on me while they where looking for the bad guys because I have nothing to hide.. So my question is whats the […]

Obama Fired Bernanke?

The talk of the town is President Barack Obama appears to have fired Ben Bernanke in a PBS interview broadcast on Monday. Obama told Charlie Rose that the Fed chairman has “already stayed a lot longer than he wanted or he was supposed to,” and exactly what he is up to now is interesting. Perhaps he […]

German TV Exposes – Goldman Sachs – a bank ruling the world

Goldman Sachs – a bank ruling the world  The decline and fall of New York City as the financial capital of the world losing that distinction to London with Hong Kong nipping at its heal for 2nd place, the corruption within NYC is tainting the image of the United States right down to the Presidency. […]

How to Protect The People from the NSA – Easy

If this whole affair is really about terrorists, then enact legislation that states no American can be prosecuted for any crime based upon any evidence obtained from the NSA. So if ANYTHING is handed to the Justice Department, SEC, CFTC, or IRS, then a citizen shall be ABSOLUTELY IMMUNE from civil or criminal prosecution. This […]

NSA Saves the NY Stock Exchange – Everyone Rejoice!

National Security Agency (NSA) in defense of its surveillance programs seizing every phone call and email in the nation claims that it helped disrupt plots to bomb the New York Stock Exchange and the New York subway system, according to an FBI official told Congress on Tuesday. However, this does not seem to be creditable […]

Switzerland Show Some Guts At Last

Legislation that would have ended the Swiss banking laws and handed everything to the USA was defeated in a recent vote. The secrecy laws was put in place in 1934 to protect the Jews and Germans from Hitler who attempted the same thing making it criminal for a German to have an offshore account. The […]