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Market Talk – October 13, 2022

ASIA:   India’s central bank, the Reserve Bank of India, seeking to arrest the rupee’s slide, is asking local banks to not build additional positions in the non-deliverable forward market, a move that could lead to offshore volatility spilling into local markets, bankers and traders said. The build-up of positions in this segment of the […]

New Interview Now Available

Listen to the audio player above or click here to download my latest interview with Bill Meyers.

Market Talk – October 12, 2022

ASIA: Japan’s inflation-adjusted gross domestic product shrank 0.3% in August from July as exports to China and Europe fell, as local demand remains sluggish, the Japan Center for Economic Research said in a report released on Tuesday. It is the first month-on-month contraction since May for the world’s third-largest economy, owing largely to external factors, […]

America Quietly Prepares for Nuclear War

I mentioned in a prior post that the US was purchasing anti-radiation medication. The media is urging the public not to fear as this is simply a precaution. Yet, the US would not have shelled out $290 million on a drug if the intelligence agencies did not fear the potential of a nuclear attack. The […]

French Fuel Shortage Leads to Yellow Vest Resurgence

The French, especially in Paris, are starting to feel the effects of the gas shortage. There are reports of cars queued for miles outside gas stations. Some have reported waiting for over an hour, only to find that there was no petrol left to fuel their vehicle. Workers at TotalEnergies and Esso-ExxonMobil in France are […]

Liz Truss’ Approval Plummets

Truss inherited a beaten-down United Kingdom. The Bank of England declared that a recession was inevitable, sterling continues to fall, pension funds are evaporating, and the death of the queen caused an overall feeling of pessimism. Recent polls show that Truss is actually less popular than her predecessor Boris Johnson, even when Johnson was under […]

Market Talk – October 11, 2022

ASIA:   China’s central bank extended its bilateral currency swaps with European Central Bank, worth 350 billion yuan or 45 billion euros, according to a statement published on the Chinese central bank’s website on Monday. The swaps extension will help deepen bilateral cooperation and safeguard financial market stabilization, the Chinese central bank said. The International […]

The Bank of Canada Should Admit QE FAILED

In 2020, Pierre Poilievre, chief Conservative spokesman on finance issues, said Canada’s central bank “should not be an ATM for Trudeau’s insatiable spending appetites.” Conservatives cooperated with the Liberals when it came to COVID-19 emergency spending. Everyone was in on that power grab. Now the nation is in worse shape, further in debt, and inflation […]

Florida Surgeon General Silenced by Twitter – Young Men are Dying from COVID Vaccine

  Florida Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo posted a warning on Twitter only to have the platform silence him. It is his responsibility to inform the public of potential health hazards. There should be a crackdown of Twitter for stifling free speech. The surgeon general’s tweet was reinstated after the weekend amid backlash. Hopefully, their […]

The Madman of Ukraine in High Heels

COMMENT: Hi Martin It is obvious that Zelensky does not have a brain and is being controlled by outside forces. Is it Schwab or is he just a front also? You probably know more than what is going on than anyone else including intelligence. Thank you All the best MW REPLY: I cannot say everything […]