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IMPEACHMENT – Urgent Clarification That Divides Country

I have endeavored to provide only reliable information. My sources are real, not imaginary conjuring up plots where Trump will invoke the Insurrection Act and even arrest Pence. The last time that was invoked was in 1992 by George H.W. Bush during the unrest in Los Angeles after the acquittal of police officers who beat […]

What Now?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, Given the current situation, and your forecast of what’s to come, what do we, the people, do now to protect ourselves on all sides? It’s obvious that our votes mean nothing and even if they did we are only voting for an establishment, not an individual who has our best interests in […]

The Future From Here

  The word from DC is that they will do their best now to prevent Trump from ever running again and they will look to try to bring some criminal charge against him to disqualify him. Twitter has blocked his account and he has acknowledged he will leave the office. Pence, as expected, defended the […]

The Great Conjunction Next Week

  Numerous people always ask if astrology is incorporated into Socrates. The answer is no. From what I can say is that what I see is a complex network of numerous variables that keeps the global economy functioning. Trying to say that something will happen in the market because of a planetary convergence that people […]

Market Talk – December 17, 2020

ASIA: The major Asian stock markets had a mixed day today: NIKKEI 225 increased 49.27 points or 0.18% to 26,806.67 Shanghai increased 37.89 points or 1.13% to 3,404.87 Hang Seng increased 218.09 points or 0.82% to 26,678.38 ASX 200 increased 77.50 points or 1.16% to 6,756.70 Kospi decreased 1.36 points or -0.05% to 2,770.43 SENSEX […]

The Chaos of Politics – Economy – Markets

QUESTION: Socrates forecast that the Democrats were declining in the combined house and senate. That seems to be correct given the sharp losses in the house for the democrats. The presidential election seems to have turned on just four cities, Milwaukee, Detroit, Philadelphia, Atlanta. Even assuming the vote was real, it looks like your trend […]

Market Talk – December 15, 2020

ASIA: China’s economic recovery broadened in November as both retail sales and industrial production growth accelerated, data released on Tuesday showed. Retail sales, a key indicator of consumption trends in the world’s most populous nation, grew by 5.0 percent from a year earlier, marking the fourth successive month of expansion. The November growth rate was […]

How the Supreme Court Doomed the US & the West

    I have been warning that those in Washington DO NOT like outsiders. Only 106 republicans out of 196 joined Texas demonstrating that behind the curtain, nearly 50% of republican politicians prefer Trump to leave because he is not one of them. The Supreme Court avoided ruling claiming Texas had no standing which is […]

Market Talk – December 11, 2020

ASIA: The US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) said on Thursday it began revoking China Telecom’s authorization to operate in the United States as it took further steps to crack down on China’s role in US telecommunications. FCC Chairman Ajit Pai noted several US government agencies had recommended the revocation citing national security concerns. In April, […]

Market Talk – November 30, 2020

ASIA: Prime Minister Scott Morrison on Monday demanded an apology from the Chinese government for tweeting a “falsified” and “repugnant” image of an Australian soldier killing a child in Afghanistan, amid escalating political tensions between Canberra and Beijing. Morrison said Australia has reached out to the Chinese government and also contacted Twitter to have the […]