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Swiss Restrict Construction of 2nd Homes for Rentals

Switzerland is restricting the construction of second homes that have been the source of rentals for vacations. This will actually firm up prices by restricting new construction. Swiss real estate still appears to be one of the brighter spots in Europe.

Palladium – Not Gold?

  Palladium has been the one precious metal that everyone overlooks. There is a serious shortage and the production is about 2.2 million ounces compared to 1.8 million for platinum. This is one commodity that has a completely different chart pattern and may be the best of the lot in the years ahead.

Curious Our Site is Being Attacked – NSA?

Subject: ATTACK HAPPENING TO Armstrong Economics Date: Wed, 12 Jun 2013 14:50:16 +0000 We have people now tracing the source & will advise.

Snowden’s Rude Awakening – USA Does Control Most of the World

Edward Snowden has made a public statement to the China Post. “I am not here to hide from justice; I am here to reveal criminality,” “My intention is to ask the courts and people of Hong Kong to decide my fate. I have been given no reason to doubt your system.” It is a […]

USA – Has it become Reagan’s Definition of an Evil Empire?

The phrase “Evil Empire” was applied to the Soviet Union by U.S. President Ronald Reagan, who characterized the Soviet Union’s strategic and global military capabilities of world dominance. The characterization was viewed as demeaning by the Soviet leaders. However, everything that Reagan used to justify that label the NSA, Feinstein and Boehner have adopted and […]

Greece Shuts Down TV News

Civil Unrest has been what our model was forecasting. What is happening everywhere is just amazing. Government is so out of control and all this is about is holding on to the reins of power. They have totally forgotten what “free” societies even were supposed to be, In Turkey we have massive riots against the […]

Capitalism or Marxism – That is the Question

The need to educate the masses grows and has never been greater than right now. Frustration has Londoners rioting for freedom and against “capitalism”. They are unaware that the capitalism they know is Marxism in disguise and true capitalism brings freedom. The Marxist Agenda is more power to the state and they control everything. There […]

Mailing Cash is Prohibited in USA – France Bars Even Gold

The US prohibits mailing cash at the Post Office. Anything mailed out of the USA must be declared as to the contents of the package. When I asked WHY? They said Homeland Security. I said it was leaving the country. They replied it still has to go on a plane. France now Prohibits Sending Currency […]

US Politicians Out of Touch with Reality – Euro Rally

The outrage of the US sucking up everything and storing it is classic George Orwell. The Republican leader is also a disgrace. This is how stupid he is calling Snowden a Traitor. He was outraged by the Obama Administration going after the AP and having the IRS target the tea party. But when it comes […]

Congress wants Snowden’s Head – Not the NSA!

This is why we have to crash and burn. Congress is beyond hope be it Democrat or Republican – it is always them against the people. Congress wants to imprison if not kill Snowden for exposing their corruption not the NSA Transcript: Exclusive Interview With House Speaker John Boehner on NSA Leak, Immigration Reform And […]