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Seniors Are the Greediest Generation

  Alan Simpson, Wyoming Republican Senator who became co-chair of President Obama’s deficit commission, called senior citizens the “Greediest Generation” as he compared Social Security to a Milk Cow with 310 million teats. This career politician’s comments illustrates the entire problem why we do not have a democracy. These people rig the game to get elected, […]

Metals Report

On Page 60 there are both the Nearest Futures and the Spot Reversals which include 146250 is the cash number to watch  

Rising Tide of Civil Unrest

The key problem on a global scale has been the sheer arrogance of government in the Western so called “democratic” regions. People are starting to wake up and realize that we do not live in a democracy but republics and we remain without a voice. Once these people take power, they stop all consultation with […]

The Real Conspiracy

There are plenty of conspiracies on isolated issues like the NY Bankers who try to control the government merely so (1) they can trade with other people’s money, (2) when caught they get bailed out, and (3) they are above the law and remain the UNTOUCHABLES. But beyond that they are not smart enough nor […]

New World Order

One of the craziest conspiracy theories around is that the FED was specifically created to fund WWI and all subsequent wars. Then it is claimed that FED is owned by 100 families whose agenda is deliberately creating a New World Order. This idea that you can have some New World Order with everyone on the same page is just […]

A Normal Market

In the normal world of capital flows, bonds decline when stocks rise. The talking heads that claim lower interest rates are bullish for stocks once again try to reduce everything to a single cause and effect that applies to a single frame in a long movie. Here we can see that bonds declined when stocks […]

Primary Dealers – the Truth About Their Iron Grip

QUESTION:  Martin, On Page A11 of the IBD today (5/29) a statement was made that seems to fit your claims.  It is something that having been in the business for 24 years I was unaware of.  The entire article is actually quite interesting. Please clarify the following, made in the 4th paragraph; …..BNP Paribas in […]

Domestic Myopic Excuses – The Worst is yet to Come

To try to explain the markets and how there can be a rising stock market with rising bonds, analysts characterize this weird trend as a US monetary experiment of the past four years, which has been caused by the Fed’s endless monetary injections (and pent up inflation expectations) while the bond rally has been due […]

August 7th – ECM

The August 7th turning point is starting to be picked up on our weekly models in many markets. The bounce so far out of the week of 5/20 is flat so far. This tends to warn what will not bounce reverses hard. So we may still be looking at new lows in the metals for […]

Freedom to Travel in Europe Shutting Down

The freedom to travel in the European Union that was to be the cornerstone of the whole issue behind the Euro is now being shut-down. The EU Member States are now allowed to reintroduce border controls at will. This is all the result of what I have reported that apartments in Germany were almost all sold out […]