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When Iron was worth More than Gold

Before the Iron Age, Iron has been found in both the West and the East treated as a precious object that was more valuable than gold. Recently, the debate over whether these rare objects were meteorites has been settled. They are indeed meteorites that fell from the havens and thus were regarded as gifts from […]

We lost our Central Bank

I have stated numerous times that a central bank is essential. Banks take depositor;s money on demand but lend long-term. When a crisis hits, depositors want their cash and the banks has assets no cash. This is why the Fed was created with an ELASTIC money supply authority. It was to create excess cash to […]

New York lost the Status of Financial Capital of the World. Who has it Now?

New York and the corruption of the courts and government that has made the bankers the new “Untouchables” has taken its toll. The actual financial capital is London despite the fact that the British economy is still headed lower. The hedge funds are buying up  Mayfair in London. There is a Global Financial Centres Index where […]

Due Process & New York – The End of Reason

QUESTION: My daughter in school discussed your case as a denial of due process of law. Your case is really famous in legal circles. ANSWER:  I get that many times. Even my cousin’s son in South Carolina experienced the same thing. When he told the teacher I was his cousin, she couldn’t believe it. To […]

August Is On It’s Way

One Reader Writes: Yes Europe in their summer,  for those that actually work(ed) in European institutions, the upper management — (parasites – say it the way it is), will take ALL of August off as vacation time (can you imagine 4 weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…I mean WHO in the US gets the luxury of 4 weeks vacation???).  AND […]

EU Backs down of Austerity

The EU is allowing the Austerity measures to subside realizing at last that they are creating major civil unrest. They are backing off and expanding debt to try to prevent a collapse in the civil structure of Europe. Pay attention to Europe this summer. This is why Homeland Security in USA bought 2715 tanks.

The Untouchables & Politics Come 2016

The United States is being seen as just hopelessly corrupt and the next downturn in the economy is not merely going to come down on those in Congress always willing to write blank checks to bailout the bankers when Genius Fails as it always does in New York when it is really just bribing and […]

The Warns of Collapse are Coming from Inside Government Now

EU Energy Commissioner Günther Oettinger is part of a growing undertone within the European government that is finally getting real. He has warned that Europe is a one giant case destined for restructuring and that some countries in Europe have simply become ungovernable anymore. He has warned that Brussels does not have a clue what’s going on and still […]

Hypocrisy of US Mainstream Press

President Obama has been the most aggressive in going after “leaks” that reveal how government lies to the people on one subject or another. His efforts to protect the government are disgraceful and if government was honest, well there wouldn’t be leaks. But the real issue that is a disgrace has been the […]

What’s Wrong with Anglo-Saxons?

Neither Hitler or Stalin and certainly not Mao could ever conquer Britain of the United States. The battle cry was always liberty and justice for all. But something has seriously changed. The attitudes of those in power are like some Evil Villain out to plot against the world and are so paranoid, they cannot sleep […]