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Flash Crash – It is What it is!

QUESTION: Good evening Mr. Armstrong, When it comes to the precious metals I have found you to act as a much needed fulcrum between the “gold bugs” and the main straem media – thank you! In your most recent bid you say, “All Crash events take place because of the LACK of BIDS. It does […]

USA Why The Fed Risks are Nonsense

All we have heard is about the hyperinflation all based on the idea that the Fed has increased the money supply. I have warned that the dollar has become the new world currency. The German elections in September are not looking good. Let’s just step back a second and look at the issue without bias. […]

China Factory Index Declines

The deflationary mode of the world economy is still brewing. We have Europe turning negative and that is impacting China as well. Many areas will be negative into 2020 on a global scale.

Mad Max Begins in Spain?

Honestly, these politicians may be well trained lawyers, but they are absolutely brain-dead when it comes to understanding human nature and the impact of their clever laws. Just pick up a history book and you might learn something. Human nature has not changed. A mother still cries for her son who dies in battle today […]

Cultural Assimilation – Europe’s Internal Crisis

The liberals of Europe do not understand that you cannot make everything “fair” in this world. I was in London and received a phone call from one of the big telecommunication clients we had in Europe. I was asked to fly over for a urgent board meeting in the morning in Germany. I had no […]

Flash Crash & No Bids – Just Normal Stuff

  JP Morgan, Jr Senate Hearing 1933 A Flash Crash in silver is no different than a flash crash in stocks, bonds, or anything else. It is the same root cause of all panics – the lack of bids. Every  stock market crash ever since 1907 has been followed by an investigation with the theory that […]

The Latest from Nigel Farage

The Latest from Nigel Farage

Long Live the Dollar

If anyone wants to know why the dollar will soar to new highs, just stop and look at Europe. The gold promoters will claim the bank crisis will make gold soar. But the dollar will soar. France is out to shut down gold sales and has outlawed buying or selling gold for cash. They are […]

Silver – the Flash Crash

The Flash Crash took place because of the lack of bids. Despite the gold/silver promoters, there is no expansion of buyers for the precious metals. It has been the same choir over and over again. Silver broke the April low and this is a leading indicator warning of lower prices yet to come. Nonetheless, this is […]

France is Leading the Charge to Seize All of Europe

Hollande of France is seeking to federalize all of Europe forcing a new socialization of Communist agenda. He sees no use for the Free Markets and is trying to sell this idea to Europe. In his mind, if he can prevent people from fleeing his insane ideas, he will win. Italy is starting to now […]