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Jade Helm

A lot of emails have been coming in about Jade Helm, a highly secret and most controversial U.S. Special Operations exercise that created a flood of conspiracy theories about a government takeover. The Washington Post has reported that Lt. Col. Mark Lastoria, a spokesman for Army Special Operations Command, said his organization is “considering allowing a small number of journalists […]

The TRUMP Card

Why is Donald Trump #2 in the polls? This very interesting trend illustrates what our computer has been forecasting for 2016. While Trump is inside the Republican Party, he is acting like a Third Party candidate. He is rising in the polls because of his stance on illegal aliens. That is a common problem everywhere […]

The Greek Referendum

Voting today began at 7 AM local time in Greece and will continue until 9 PM. The polls show a virtually even split. We are likely going to see civil war unfold in Greece if this is a YES vote, for the youth will have absolutely no future under the oppression of Brussels and those who think […]

Happy Revolution Day – the Rebellion Against the Monarchy

The 4th of July was indeed a major event for it set in motion the rebellion against a corrupt form of government (then known as monarchy) which was dominated by unelected bureaucrats. The American Revolution set off a contagion that manifested in Europe with the French Revolution beginning on the July 14, 1789. The first inauguration of George […]

Russia Reinterprets the Legality of the Break up of the Soviet Union

Crafting laws where you can check-in but never leave seems to be what’s good for Europe, and Russia has taken note. This is the problem with law. It can be reinterpreted constantly and twisted on the head-of-a-pin to mean whatever needs to accomplish at the moment. Now in Russia, the chief prosecutor’s office is examining […]

Happy Independence Day to Our Canadian Readers

Sorry for being late – my bad. This is actually an important Independence Day for you. True, it was originally the Dominion Day on July 1, 1867 that was the enactment of the British North America Act in 1867 (today it is called the Constitution Act, 1867). That merged the three possessions of New Brunswick, Nova […]

Greek Referendum is a Vote on Grexit

Brussel’s worst nightmare is coming true. The one thing the Troika has fought so hard to do is kill any democratic vote on the euro by the people in every country. This is not about the terms of austerity, which they still cannot understand is DEFLATIONARY and supports debt holders at the expense of society because politicians borrow forever, […]

Britain Headed Back to a Mini Ice Age

We have been warning that the danger is by no means global warming, but global cooling. The energy output of the sun has turned down. Now scientists are warning that what we have reported is crashing rapidly. The collapse in the energy output of the sun is so intense that climate experts are now warning […]

Socrates Examples of Questions

HELP: Questions must be in proper English form. For example, “WHERE IS”, “WHAT ARE”, “PLEASE LIST”, “DO YOU SEE ANY PATTERNS”, etc. You must also specify the level as daily, weekly, out to yearly. In addition, please specify the market, such as Gold or the Australian 10-year bonds. You may inquire as to DOWNTREND, UPTREND, full […]

1985.65 + 31.4 = 2017

COMMENT: Marty; I attended your 1985 World Economic Conference in Princeton. It was amazing to see so many people from around the world. I remember the whole delegation from the Middle East in their white robes. It was like a mini United Nations. I remember that chart showing 2017. Back then you did not reveal you […]