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Market Talk – March 18, 2022

ASIA: The global economic fallout of the war in Ukraine is expected to negatively impact India’s economy, while the immediate impact of the conflict on China is likely to be relatively small, the IMF said on Thursday. The IMF said it will lead to higher inflation and current account deficit. The major Asian stock markets had […]

Germany to Begin Confiscating Guns

Germany is repeating its past mistake from 1938 when Hitler authorized the Gun Control Act that banned “enemies of the state,” such as liberals and Jews, from owning firearms. A few weeks later Kristallnacht (night of broken glass) occurred and the people were unable to defend themselves. As we know, it was only a downhill […]

Market Talk – March 17, 2022

ASIA: Indian banks may face some headwinds from the Russia-Ukraine crisis, which could lead to higher inflation and some stress for borrowers, S&P Global Ratings analyst informed. Indian banks’ direct exposure to Russia and Ukraine is limited, and the direct impact from the conflict is likely to be marginal, S&P analysts said. Gross non-performing assets […]

NATO Calls up Hundreds of Thousands of Troops Ready to Begin WWIII

The pressure to start World War III is on. NATO now expects that there will be a major war with Russia and the confrontation may come even in a few weeks. The NATO Secretary-General announced an increased war alert for hundreds of thousands of soldiers. Stoltenberg issued a joint statement with US Secretary of Defense […]

The Scheme behind the Great Reset

As the press covered Zelnensky’s professional speech carried out by his acting training, he continued to try to pull on the heartstrings of the American people to further the hatred of Putin and to wage World War III. He knows what he is asking for and he is not stupid. Zelensky said on March 16 […]

Market Talk – March 16, 2022

ASIA: Singapore’s economy might be less directly impacted by the war in Ukraine or the sanctions on Russia, but a potential hit to global growth and rising inflation can eventually put a dent on its economic outlook. Russia represents a rather small share of global gross domestic product (GDP) at about 1.6 per cent, and it […]

Poking the Panda

Japan has made the very same mistake just the following orders from Washington about seizing Russian assets. The Japanese government is freezing the assets of 17 more Russian politicians tycoons, and their relatives to step up sanctions and pressure Moscow to end its invasion of Ukraine. Russia froze, in turn, a list of US politicians […]

Market Talk – March 15, 2022

ASIA: India will issue at least 240 billion rupees ($3.3 billion) in sovereign green bonds as the country marks a shift towards a low-carbon economy, Reuters reported. The debut sale may take place in the first half of the fiscal year that starts on April 1, and a decision to sell more green debt will depend […]

Market Talk – March 14, 2022

ASIA: Japanese authorities ordered crypto exchanges on Monday not to process transactions involving crypto assets subject to asset-freeze sanctions against Russia and Belarus over the war in Ukraine. The Japanese government will strengthen measures against the transfer of funds using crypto assets that would violate the sanctions, the FSA and the Ministry of Finance said […]

US & its Secret Biological Weapons Labs & Neocons

  There are Biolabs in Ukraine funded by the US. There was never any real question if they existed or not. The rumor two days after the Russian invasion began, the claim was that Russia was targeting them for destruction. I wrote on February 26, 2022, that such a rumor was false and I pointed […]