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Gold & BitCoin

COMMENT: I admit I have been a gold bug and I bought into Bitcoin. I have been following Socrates since you began forecasting Bitcoin. I want to say that it has convinced me that these fundamental forecasts are just like fake news. When Socrates said gold would decline and then Bitcoin would rise, that made […]

Schwab Advocates Putting Chips in Our Head so Government Can Read our Thoughts?

(full speech) Klaus Schwab wants to create this Agenda 2030 which is primarily based around dismantling the current capitalist system in favor of greater centralized authoritarian rule which will lead to lower living standards, less fuel consumption, fewer civil liberties, and much more government control tracking everything we do with a restriction on travel. Schwab […]


  QUESTION #1:  Hello Mr Armstrong Here in Germany, many more doctors are rising up against this COVID  pandemic. They have written to Merkel, but she does not listen. I am starting to think you are right. She has been bribed. HC REPLY #1: This just makes no sense. She has put even the German […]

Does Trump Have Something Up His Sleve?

QUESTION #1: Hello Martin Do you think that Trump has something up his sleeve in regards to the election? I cannot see him conceding when he knows that there has been outright, in your face ballot fraud. He doesn’t seem like the type of man who would walk away from a good fight. If he […]

Saint Malachy Prophecy & End of Times in All Religions

COMMENT: Dear Marty Pope Francis is not the last pope Saint Malachy predicted as he shared one Pope office time with Benedict Unique in history). So it is as well very important that in Johns Revelations there is a chapter on the decline of the catholic church. Even more interesting are Marias prophecies in Fatima […]

This is What Schwab is Creating

  COMMENT: I really do not know how Socrates has forecast this sort of civil unrest well in advance. I comprehend they need to stop people from listening to you. Please keep Socrates running. WM from Poland REPLY: I will try. They are also counting on other analysts to try to discourage people from relying […]

Market Talk – October 23, 2020

ASIA: China has vowed to retaliate if the US proceeds with the sale of advanced weaponry to Taiwan worth more than a billion dollars, Fox news reported. The statement from China’s defense ministry gave no specifics, but the development marks a further deterioration in ties between Beijing and Washington that have hit their lowest ebb […]

Your Comments & Questions

COMMENT #1: Marty, One gets the sense we are closer to a dictatorship than most think. Twitter, Google, Facebook, and others now appear to be working in overdrive to block content, prevent free speech, report only what suits them, in an effort to sway voters and build momentum for a Biden win. Surely, anyone with a […]

Big Bang & USA

QUESTION: Do you see the Fed moving to digital currency and perpetual bonds simultaneously with other nations? I think it would be harder to pull off here, but then again, they may have no choice. I guess they have a lot of reasons to get rid of Trump, but there’s more on the side of […]

Judge Amy Coney Barrett vows to Follow Justice Scalia

Supreme Court nominee Judge Amy Coney Barrett intends to honor her mentor, the late Justice Antonin Scalia in her opening speech to the Senate. As I have explained, candidates for the Supreme Court NEVER appeared before the Senate until 1925 when one senator objected because he was being investigated. Judge Amy Coney Barrett before the […]