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Shifts in Pensions

The biggest fund in the world was the Japanese Postal Savings Fund in 1989. When we were called in to create a hedging program about 6 months before the high, it was Japanese Ministry of Finance who picked up the phone and asked that they did not do that for if they sold, they would […]

Gold & 2015.75

QUESTION: If gold is a hedge against government, then that would explain why gold rose from 2007.15 to 2011.45, a period which your model shows lower confidence. If confidence in government is now rising, as predicted by your model, regardless of the inflation, people have confidence in QE, etc so will feel less need to […]

Welcome to the New International Currency – the Dollar

With the dramatic increase in the money supply as illustrated here with the St. Louis Fed Chart, 99% of the people are simply baffled saying – It’s got to be inflationary! But this is like the old TV commercials when Burger King used the little old lady who would look at a competitor’s burger and […]

Russian Economy Also in Stagnation

The negative economic growth in Europe has also spread to Russia. The internal problems within Russia also reflect this growing trend of STAGFLATION. Putin has been trying to blame the World Economy while failing to address reforms that would help Russia reverse course. It will be the rise in the dollar that causes the US […]

Inflation is Inevitable But its the Interest Rates We Better Watch

We are in one of the most complex conundrums in financial history. On the one hand we have vast amounts of cash that creates tremendous liquidity with interest rates at virtually zero, G7 finance ministers at least alarmed about the high level of liquidity yet it is becoming obvious even to them that monetary policy can not […]

Gold & International Capital Flows

Here is the US Public Debt from 1870-2009. There is no such correlation that a rising debt results in higher gold prices. That is simply FALSE. This is a delicate balance of all aspects of the economy interacting with each other. Welcome to the NEW ECONOMY – it is really GLOBAL. The idea of creating […]

Bloomberg News – Abuse of Client Trust

We are in the information age far beyond what anyone imagines. They are forming a new police force in Camden New Jersey and all applicants must give information right down to former girlfriends, ex-wives, birth dates of friends. Why is everyone being compelled to give such detailed profiles of their lives? At Bloomberg News, journalists […]

Gold & A Bear Market

The possibility of a 5-year bear market and the signs that will indicate that trend are covered in detail in the 2013 Metals report. Suffice it to say, just Google dollar devaluation and you get pages upon pages of everyone swearing the dollar must collapse so buy gold. Then look at the Dow. The vast […]

NASA Abandons Microsoft Windows

NASA is abandoning Windows they say to maintain a more stable operating system. Interesting.

Gold & the Possible 5-year Bear Market

QUESTION: You mentioned back in 2011 that either gold fell in a normal correction of 2 to 3 years and if the market fought against that trend it could extend into 2016 with a 5-year bear market. Is that still possible since you were correct about the drop after a 13-year high? ANSWER: Yes. That […]