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Gold Inventories

QUESTION: What about the gold inventory decline. Is this not significant? ANSWER: No. The inventory at COMEX has always been volatile. Inventories rise and fall without any leading indicator to price. Supplies will shift also between London and New York. Inventories dropped sharply after 1980 as well. Manipulators often play with the inventories of all […]

Windows 8

A reader in the field writes to correct the posts regarding Windows 8. To clarify, indeed, all systems since Windows 2000 phone home. What I object about with Windows 8 is that it now reports 3rd party programs that you install. Granted the theory is they are protecting you like government. This I find offensive […]

California Sues JP Morgan Chase for Illegal Practices

The NY Banks are use to controlling the courts in NYC so much so that they forgot the rest of the world does not accommodate everything they do. California’s attorney general filed suit Thursday, alleging that JPMorgan Chase & Co. used illegal tactics in its efforts to collect debts from more than 100,000 credit card holders between 2008 […]

Coming Political Change

QUESTION: You are right that economics drives the politics. Is that a dominant factor of the modern economy or has it always been that way? ANSWER: It has always been that way both before the fall of Rome and afterwards. Take the South Sea Bubble in 1720. The Whigs in England were initially a political faction […]

Windows 8 Update

We have succeeded in removing Windows 8 and replacing it with Windows 7. It looks like we will have to move to LINUX. Some companies are making their systems hardware specific so you cannot remove Windows 8 such as Dell & HP. The question we must ask is what is going on. Why is there […]

Politicians are Insane – But it Takes all their Time to Perfect That

We get what we deserve. To hire a person, there is an interview. What are your qualifications for the job. When it comes to dictating our lives, we elect people based upon false promises, promotions by a bought press, and do they smile nicely. Look at Jodi Arias. Looks sweet, like the girl next door. […]

California & Criminalizing Avoiding Obamacare

A Reader in California writes: This today from our local Orange County Register under the Op Ed section:  “Taxing What Obamacare Makes Inevitable”  by Troy Senik.  California businesses would be penalized for cutting worker hours to dodge insurance mandate.   Democratic Assemblyman Jimmy Gomez of Los Angeles has proposed legislation–which has passed both the Assembly Rules […]

All Governments Are Hunting Down Citizens – Now Canada

Ontario asks federal government for help catching tax cheats. It never dawns on these people that we are not economic slaves. They reward themselves pensions nobody in the private sector can get just as Congress is excepting itself from Obamacare. They then hunt people down to rob them for their benefit and have the audacity to claim […]

Gold – Answering Your Questions

QUESTION: “Let me start by thanking you for all your work which gives me a better insight in how all things are interconnected. I have a question about Gold, as an attendee of the Princeton Conference I received the Gold report. Gold recently broke trough 3 monthly bearish reversals and is now making her way […]

Europe – The Greatest Threat to World Economy

  The German Revolution of 1918 that brought to power the Weimar Republic, had actually invited the Russian Communists to come take control of Germany. This is why Germany went into hyperinflation. ALL wealth went into hoarding. There was nothing to be found anywhere. The new government was unable to sell any bonds because who […]