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Country Analysis Denmark The probability of Denmark joining EMU by the first start date remains quite low. The primary reason for this outlook is due to the fact that Denmark has an opt-out clause. Based upon its economic performance, Denmark would qualify for EMU by 1999. Economic growth in Denmark should reach 3% in 1997. […]


Country Analysis Belgium The probability for Belgium joining EMU at the start date remains quite high, despite its failure on debt criteria. Belgium’s economic growth has been less than expected due to a large extent to the general poor eonomic conditions within Europe as a whole – particularly involving France and Germany. With GDP growth […]


Country Analysis Austria   The probability of Austria making the first cut for EMU remains quite high. Austria’s rising debt burden remains a major concern for the future of this nation. Nevertheless, the close political and monetary ties between Austria and Germany will result in a high probability that Austria will be in the first […]

Birth Rate Declines With Higher Taxes & Is Hollywood To Blame for Divorce?

When we asked the computer to look at population, there was a remarkable correlation to taxation. The higher the taxes, the lower the birth rate. Indeed, this applied in both ancient and modern times. Even the Roman Emperor Augustus (27BC-14AD) who cherish family and was the first to picture even his daughter Julia on a […]

Austrian Gov’t Corruption – So What’s New?

In Austria, there is the new airport terminal check-in 3, formerly called Skylink, which is the country’s largest building scandal. Depreciation by mismanagement at terminal building will impact the balance sheets of Vienna airport for a long time. Nobody ever goes to jail in these building projects laced with fraud. This is why there simply […]

ECB Discounts Gov’t 10-yr Debt to 29% of Face Value

The deal at the ECB shows what they themselves think of government debt. They are accepting Cypriot bonds as collateral for loans. At the ECB, a 10 year bond of a member is discounted to 29% of its face value. Interesting how the ECB does not consider government debt as really “quality” for borrowing.

Nigel Farage On the Fate of Europe

Nigel Farage On the Fate of Europe

Model Forecasts – We are Getting There

Yearly 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Turning Point T – T T – T Dir Change – – – D – – Panic Cycle – – – – – – Pattern D U U U U D The computer models will be accessible very soon in time for the craziness this fall. This is […]

Socialism & Islamic Radicalism Are The Same Theory

The whole idea of “socialism” is based upon the same theory that led to the overthrow of the Shah and the birth of Islamic Radicalism in 1979. What is the connection? Both hold that the private sector cannot be trusted and that the state should manage the economy. In Iran, it became the religious clerics […]

Why We Moved to Switzerland

We firmly believe in privacy and liberty. Ideas even like Bitcoin count on the simple fact that there is some RULE OF LAW that will be respected. There is none. As the Sovereign Debt Crisis unfolds, they are really hunting down everything they can possibly get their hands on. Canada is now taking the position […]