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Cohen Flips & Stormy Daniels is Out to Overthrow Trump

The world of politics is coming unglued today with Trump’s campaign chairman Manafort convicted on 8 felony counts. None of this really implicates Trump, but the real problem is with his former lawyer Michael Cohen who is pleading guilty on 8 felony counts directly implicating Trump in campaign violations. The Justice Department in New York City […]

Italy’s Conflict with Brussels & EU

  The collapse of the Morandi Bridge in Italy has prompted a serious dispute between Brussels and Italy. Italy is taking the position that the demand of Brussels to comply with austerity denies Italy the ability to even repair its infrastructure for its own people. When it asked previously for relief to deduct the cost of all the refugees, […]

Modern Love – Internet – Changing Patterns in Marriage/Divorce

COMMENT: I enjoyed your article on gold and how trends change with the generations. I find it very true that my children looked at me with my silver bars and just asked so what can you really do with it? I have watched the youtube video when people choose the chocolate bar over a bar […]

TRUTH is so precious that she should Always be attended by a Bodyguard of Lies

QUESTION: Do you support the unilateral withdrawal of the US from the Iran deal? ANSWER: Iran has no intention of actually conforming with that agreement. But that is really a side issue. There is a significant displeasure with the religious government in Iran among its own people. No nation is ever 100% left or right. There […]

Brunson – the Alleged Pastor

    The Turkish court has rejected the appeal to release Andrew Brunson, who is the alleged US pastor at the center of a dispute between Ankara and Washington. While he has been there for 23 years, his new Church of the Resurrection has existed for less than a year and it had only 25 members. From […]

Who is the Fool? The Borrower or the Lender?

Many people worry about over-indebtedness and point to a default of borrowers. It is interesting how the view of debt is always the low-life borrower. In reality, the real stupidity rests with the lender. Many are pointing to US corporate debt and stating that it has grown to an estimated US $ 7 trillion and they […]

Merkel Objects to France’s Vision of a EU Finance Minister

Chancellor Angela Merkel has rejected France’s Macron’s proposal for the establishment of a euro finance minister. Merkel has also stated that she wants a planned EU budget for the Eurozone area as part of the EU budget. She does not want an independent budget for the 19 countries of the monetary union. Merkel is still […]

Short-term v Long-term Forecasting Earthquakes

There is a site that is doing short-term Earthquake forecasts who has a very good track record known as Dutchsinse. He has a very good track record for forecasting events near-term. Of course, this is still not mainstream. It is very strange when people can improve on forecasting they are just ignored. Our models are […]

Fiji Earthquake 8.2 – More to Come?

COMMENT: Ok, this time you were wrong. A major earthquake hit Fiji on the 19th, not the 20th and CNN reported it 3 hours ago which followed your post 8 hours ago. Your slipping! Cheers Keep up the great work PF REPLY: Well, I never bothered to try to hone in on earthquakes to the […]

Erdogan Has His Boys Out Burning only $1 Bills for Propaganda   Erdogan has his boys dressed in suits burning only a handful of US ONE DOLLAR bills as a nice propaganda piece. In truth, the Turkish people have been hoarding Dollars and Euros because they have lost all faith in their own currency. It is nice that Erdogan has a few people burning less than $100 […]