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Market Talk – July 12, 2019

ASIA: White House trade advisor Peter Navarro said that investors should take the news regarding the trade deal with a pinch of salt. “My advice for investors is to be patient with the process and don’t believe anything you read in either the Chinese or the U.S. press about these negotiations unless it comes from […]

Why Nobody Wants to Forecast the Business Cycle

COMMENT: It is fascinating how your work has been so accurate on forecasting the business cycle, yet you are probably the most ignored by the mainstream media. The only possible reason for this is that they are not interested in someone who can forecast the business cycle when the general belief is that governments can […]

Market Talk – July 11, 2019

ASIA: President Trump tweeted today that China has let us (the U.S.) down by not purchasing American agricultural products as promised. This could impact the possibility of an amicable trade agreement. The positive reports indicating progress seem to have no positive end goal. Trump concluded his tweet with “hope they will soon,” a more optimistic […]

EU Refuses to Negotiate Fairly with Britain – Demands of a Customs Union

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; could you explain this whole Customs Union issue in BREXIT? Some see it as a great idea, others say it is surrendering sovereignty to Brussels. SN ANSWER: A customs union, some claim, would help businesses that send goods back and forth to the European Union. So it would be of interest to […]

Market Talk – July 10, 2019

ASIA: Russia reported that China has announced plans to open six new free zones as an attempt to open up its economy (with external pressure to do so). China also announced that they will expand the existing Shanghai free zone. Spokesperson Gao Feng said, “China has been opening up more sectors of the economy as […]

Market Talk – July 9, 2019

Market Talk – July 9, 2019 ASIA: The U.S. approved a 2.2 bn USD sale of arms to Taiwan, despite China forewarning them not to do so. China is now demanding that the U.S. cancels the deal, calling the U.S. actions a “crude interference” and further stating that it is harming its sovereignty. Elsewhere, U.S. […]

Inverted Yield Curve

The yield curve has been inverted for the last month. An inverted yield curve occurs when long-term government debt yields fall below rates on short-term notes and bills. For stock market investors, an inverted yield curve is typically a sign that equities could peak before an economic recession will follow. It also can be a […]

Market Talk – July 3, 2019

ASIA / AUSTRALIA: China responded to the UK’s criticism of its handling of Hong Kong by telling them that they should not interfere in “domestic affairs.” The UK’s Foreign Secretary tweeted full support for the Hong Kong citizens right for a peaceful protest. In addition, he told China that the way good relations are maintained […]

Hong Kong Peg & Riots

Civil unrest is continuing to rise in Hong Kong after crowds of mask and helmet wearing demonstrators fled the area to escape hundreds of riot police firing tear gas. The entire issue has arisen from Lam’s government pushing legislation that would allow extraditions to China, a move that alarmed locals and multinational companies. The clashes […]

Market Talk – July 2, 2019

ASIA / AUSTRALIA: The government of China has told Hong Kong the actions of the protesters who stormed and vandalized Hong Kong’s legislature was “totally intolerable.” Meanwhile, the UK has warned China that serious consequences will occur if it breaches an agreement guaranteeing freedoms in the city. Regarding the US-China trade deal, Peter Navarro, a […]