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Central Bank QE

  QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Nobody knows history better than you. Will QE continue if we end up in war? It seems there would be no choice. Thank you for your very enlightening blog. PG ANSWER: Yes. The Fed was “directed” by the White House to carry out QE during World War II. They were to […]

Answering Questions

QUESTION #1:  I live in the US. When the sovereign debt explodes, and I will “own nothing “, does that mean that any car, house or property that has a loan on it will become the property of the bank and or government? Does it mean property that is paid off and I hold the […]

Market Talk – October 3, 2022

ASIA:   The biggest drop in China’s cement production in at least two decades has dragged global production of the building material into decline, showing how the crisis in the country’s vast real estate sector has hit other industries that rely on it for growth. Global cement production fell 8 percent year-on-year to 1.9 billion […]

Neocons – Climate Zealots – Ukrainian Neo-Nazis

QUESTION: Martin, I am now becoming confused as to who or what is the instigator of the major global war that is transpiring. You have made the point that the Climate Change Zealots and their claims to end fossil fuels are the cause for inciting WW III. However, you have also made claims that the […]

Will there be Nuclear Weapons?

QUESTION: Do you think this will turn into a nuclear war? VR ANSWER: The people never benefit from war. We are the instruments of those in power no matter what the government.  There are people who are brainwashed and hate Russia and are demonizing Putin because that is propaganda needed to create war. They are […]

Comment from Europe

COMMENT From Europe: There is another side to the pipeline explosions also. There is growing dissatisfaction among average Europeans over electricity prices and gas prices. Normal people that don’t have any connections with either Russia or Ukraine and do not care if Donbas and Crimea belong to Russia or any other nation. Europeans just want […]

Market Talk – September 30, 2022

ASIA:   India’s economy is forecast to grow by 7% this year, making it the 5th largest in the world, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) said. India’s economy has overtaken the United Kingdom’s in terms of size, making it the fifth biggest. That’s according to the latest figures from the International Monetary Fund. India’s growth […]

Hello from Florida & Fake News

Thank you for all the emails of concern. I am fine. My dog is fine. Never lost power and nothing damaged. All of the newscasters go to the worst possible spots they can find and just stay there showing the very same backdrop all the time. The problem with such sensational broadcasting is that the […]

Market Talk – September 29, 2022

ASIA: Singapore is now the seventh most innovative economy in the world, up one spot from its ranking in 2021. The rankings are in accordance with the Global Innovation Index 2022, a report released by the World Intellectual Property Organization (Wipo) and non-profit research firm Portulans Institute on Thursday. The report ranks 132 economies according […]

Interview: The World According to Martin Armstrong

Click here to listen to my latest interview with Kerry Lutz from the Financial Survival Network. Commentary from Kerry: The world is a mess and things aren’t getting better. There’s no end in site to the Ukraine war and the situation in Europe keeps getting worse and worse. We sit down with Martin Armstrong to get the […]