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Countertrend Reaction v Reaction

QUESTION: You seem to be the only person who distinguishes between a “countertrend reaction” and a “reaction”. Can you illustrate the difference? ANSWER: Reactions are typically 2 to 3 units of time regardless of the level be it daily up to yearly. They are part of the “trend” and normally count as part of the […]

Site is Being Moved to Switzerland

The site and blog are moving to Switzerland for security purposes. The main site there is Princeton-Economics.COM. This site will be redirected for the blog and we will be starting paid regular services from there. The Global Market Watch is also ready. When the site is functional and all client names will be secure in […]

Real Estate beats Gold as #1 Investment & Euro Yen Recap

Land Auction Great Depression The Gallup Poll is out surveying the investment sentiment of American investors. Gold has held that top slot up until now. Gold has now fallen for the first time to the second position as investors return to the old historical investment sector – real estate. Even in Europe people are starting […]


The Euro peaked in two weeks, fell back, and has rallied into this week. Nonetheless, key resistance still remains unchanged in the 13400 zone and the turning points are the weeks of 05/06 and 05/20. The top of the channel for resistance we warned about was in the 13400 level which has not been reached […]

May – Tis the Season for Protests in Europe

The May protests in Europe are going by the slogan “fight against the king in Brussels”. Politicians are clueless. All they see is retaining their jobs at the expense of society and everything within it. There is no thinking out of the box. If they do not blink, they are risking the collapse of Europe […]

Interest Rate & Deficits – The Real Crisis

Many academics are truly amazing. They talk in circles, assume they are far above everyone else, and thus pontificate from the Ivory Tower without ever stepping foot out the door. There is a growing  consensus that deficits no longer matter. WHY? Because they cannot explain how government has run persistent deficits yet nothing has happened. Therefore, […]

Stock Buy Backs – Bad Idea

Apple sells $17 billion in bonds in record deal on Tuesday to initiate dividends and to buy-back shares because the stock has crashed. Buying stock is an investment. When companies buy back shares to placate investors, historically it is the beginning of the end. Many companies did that during the early days of the Great […]


The rise in taxation is driving costs higher, yet simultaneously lowering economic growth long-term We call this STAGFLATION because you get the worst of both worlds – rising prices with lower economic growth. Germany is headed into recession and their austerity policies have created massive deflation, high unemployment, and increased the pressure to cause the […]

Socialism is Collapsing for it Benefits only Politicians

I am not exaggerating what is going on and how uninformed the politicians are because they do not “represent” the people and are certainly not from our ranks. They are a professional class that see themselves on top of the Great Unwashed looking down upon us all. This is the very same attitudes of monarchy […]

Politicians Are Just Blind to Everything

To be a European politician, it is starting to look like the requirement was to be mentally challenged, incapable of reason, blind to the truth, oblivious to everything around you that shows you are wrong, and obviously they required special schooling as a child. Austerity to maintain “confidence” in the currency is PRECISELY what the […]