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How Europe Fails

Ever since the ECB issued a report that claims the south was richer than the north to get out of bailing them out, the reaction behind the curtain is very interesting. The talk in the south is now to demand reparations from Germany for World War II. What goes around comes around. There cannot be […]

Inflation v Deflation – Reality Check

QUESTION: I read your metals report. This is really a great read. It is deflation that destroys empires by sucking in all assets like a black hole eats star systems. I am correct? ANSWER: Yes! The hyperinflationists only look at Germany and Zimbabwe and assume if you print enough money that is where you go. […]

Bad Banks

QUESTION: “When you comment on the banks, are you referring to FIDELITY INVESTMENTS?” ANSWER: No. The banks you want to stay away from are the big money center banks in New York that engage in proprietary trading. Although they like to pretend they are smart, they are really trading with inside info. They constantly look […]

Obama – Who is on First

The long debate that Obama’s birth certificate is a forgery has been admitted in court by Obama’s lawyer. However, that does not prove he is not eligible in a state court since law still prevails to some extent at that level unlike at the Feds. The birth certificate is a forgery but does that prove […]

Gold Stocks In Panic Mode?

The Gold Stocks have fallen from grace fairly hard. This is what is actually necessary for the rally to continue into the 2017 to 2020 area. Supply must be reduced. As marginal mines shut down or slow production, this helps to reduce future supply. It will take a steady rise in prices to new highs […]

Italy Turns Anti-Austerity & European Chaos Fills the Air

In Italy, the new government was sworn in as a pseudo-anti-austerity government which has the blessings of Berlusconi. There was an attempted assassination of politicians by an unemployed Talian, not that he was for austerity, but rather just against politicians. This is the rising trend that is starting to bubble beneath the surface. The ECB […]

Always Speak the Truth

Breach of Security

People should know what is really going on in technology. Windows 8 did more than remove the Start Menu, they replaced it with the Start Screen, which reports to Microsoft EVERY program you install. They claim this is to protect you from an attack. Granted, Microsoft is not the Dark Lord and would not perhaps […]

Hoarding Alternative Money & Reforming Banks

Argentina is going through the classic stages of economic collapse. The government seized all pensions. They are destroying everything that gives the people incentive to be a society that emerges from the cooperation of everyone. When government turns against its own people, even as the USA is currently doing, you end up with deflation insofar […]

Spiral Panic

QUESTION: “I would be interested in your answers to the following: 1. Why do diamonds not have a futures market? 2. What do you think would happen to the price of gold if there was no gold futures market? 3. Who do you think bought all the gold contracts that were recently sold?“ ANSWER: The […]