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The Pension Crisis & Interest Rate Nightmare

We are preparing a very important report on the Global Pension Crisis and the Interest Rate Nightmare that we face. Government will not reform. There will be no HYPERINFLATION because they have no intent upon just printing to meet obligations. That historically has taken place only in governments that are in the process of revolution, […]

1970 – When Gold Fell BELOW $35

There are gold promoters who made outrageously false advertisements on TV that are just astonishing. They primary theme is somehow gold rises because of monetization and the Fed. They tout the US national debt is $17 trillion and paper money will fall to dust. When you do simple correlations, you see that the claims are […]

Corruption in Government British Report shows it is Widespread

A report compiled by the British Parliament illustrates that the level of outright fraud and corruption within government are greater within the EU than the EU Commission cares to admit. The entire problem is government pretends to be democratic but it is anything but. Until we end career politicians, there will be no hope. […]

Obama Buying All Bullets

If you can’t win as a matter of democratic process, then you just do what you want anyway. Obama’s government is buying up all ammunition. You can’t buy the stuff. Every agency is buying everything in sight even when they do not have the guns to use it. He is determined to disarm citizens at all […]

All Mirrors Have been Banned From Washington & Brussels

All mirror must have been banned from Parliament in Brussels and Washington, DC because the majority of these politicians REFUSE to look at themselves straight on for fear what they might look like. They talk among themselves and ONLY see their point of view like the Gold Promoters who live in denial claiming the declines […]

Europe Considering Mandatory 15% of Wages To be Taken For Pensions

There will be no HYPERINFLATION. That assumes government sits on their hands and blindly just prints to try to please everyone. They are by NO MEANS nice people. This is about them maintaining power. They put the Euro to a vote, got it, the people will NEVER be allowed to ever vote again. The European […]

Gold – Just the Numbers

The Weekly Breakline for this week is 1398.6 and this will provide CLOSING resistance at this point. The Major overhead resistance stands at the 3 Monthly Bearish Reversals 1520 area and support at 1310. So we are not going anywhere just yet other than the traditional bounce after a 17.2 day decline. The monthly resistance starts […]

Gold Always Denial

The rally is still just a dead-cat-bounce. The gold promoters are never wrong. When it goes down, it is always by some evil force and it is NEVER real except the losses. When it goes up, see they are always right. This is people’s assets they do not respect. This is NOT analysis – it […]

Obama is already Targeting IRA

President Obama’s budget for fiscal 2014 actually proposes to cap the amount Americans can save in these tax-sheltered investment vehicles. The White House has its spin to explain that some :”rich” people have accumulated “substantially more than is needed to fund reasonable levels of retirement saving.” The solution, tax it of course. Obama is proposing […]

The Next Seizure Coming – U.S. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

All the information we are getting is this is very real. There is almost $20 trillion in pension funds. That would pay off the national debt at $17 trillion. These people are actually discussing a FORCED loan whereby they will take over all pension funds to “protect” us with bureaucrats who know nothing about managing money. We […]