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Napoleon’s Contribution to Politics

Napoleon Bonaparte’s contribution to government structure & politics: “If you wish to be a success in the world, promise everything, deliver nothing.”  

Gold & Silver

The next important turning point will be the week of the 29th. Using the Globex rather than the CSI perpetual synthetic contracts, we did not elect the reversals on Friday. Basis the May in Silver, we need a daily closing above 23.98 to infer a temporary low and a rally will unfold first before a […]

Programming Language

QUESTION: In one of Martin’s regular emails he advised that people should take up programming and engineering. Please could you ask Martin which programming language would he recommend to start with, especially in regards to AI. Answer: I am really old school. I programmed in a variety of different languages and then optimized the machine […]

Inflation v Deflation Definitions

Question: if the world goes into deflation around the 2016 date, how will commodities                  rise??  ( hoarding ) How will they pay the mines without a money system?? Answer: There are several types of inflation such as: (1) currency inflation whereby prices rise NOT because of an increase […]

Hitmen That Killed Cyprus

The EU Commission is now engaging in Financial Terrorism for they are the new Hit-Men. They deliberately targeted Cyprus from all the info we have coming from behind the curtain SOLELY because they wanted their banking system destroyed and amazingly, the politicians in Cyprus sold their own country out, after moving their own money to […]

Revolution In Greece?

Pay attention to overseas. It is like fashion. Human nature is global. What you see there, eventually makes its way everywhere. Revolution in Greece is brewing. There has been a collapse in the rule of law on a broad basis. So while Brussels likes to play with the numbers to pretend that Southern Europe is […]

Massive Anti-Government Demonstrations

Argentina seized all pensions. The people are getting to the point that all this socialism is really fascism. Those who keep pointing to hyperinflation better start looking in the opposite direction. Economics is like weather – you can die from too much heat or too much cold – both extremes will kill you. Hyperinflation is […]

Gold & Silver

We elected Weekly Bearish Reversals in both metals with gold closing at 1397.2 and 2304.1. Gold closed also just below the Weekly Break line 1398.6. This is warning that the FAILURE to exceed Friday’s 4/19 high intraday, and a penetration of 1310, we are looking at a drop to 1158. Breach that, and we very […]

911 Real or Not?

Who knows? What I do know is I do not believe whatever the government says because it is never free of self interest. The CIA had proposed creating terror attacks domestically and blaming it on Cuba to support and invasion. Even the claims used to start the Vietnam War have been shown to be a […]

Germany wants Global Taxation Cooperation

The German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble wants to globalize tax collection with greater international cooperation to hunt down everyone and everything. He says government (ECB) has done everything right! This is the deflationary side. Yes, on the one hand they monetize and the other they reduce disposable income furthering recession. This is ALWAYS how empires die. […]