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Gold still in Denial?

The traditional gold promoters are out in force claiming manipulation. Then there is the authoritative good one: sell offs like this take place when gold stocks drop sharply. These are all excuses as to why they were WRONG and never once ever say sell. This is just salesmanship – not analysis that is ever rooted […]

Metal Report 2013

The 2013 Metals Report covering Gold, Silver, Platinum, Palladium, and Copper. This special report covers the possibility of a 5 Year Bear Market into 2016 but illustrates that the bulk of any decline takes place within the first 2 years from a high and should be concluded in 2013/2014. This special report also illustrates our […]

Europe To Begin Capital Controls Soon

One of the solid rumors behind the curtain that has sparked even movement of gold supplies as some are now leaving for even Asia, is Europe is moving toward global taxation and is starting a “money laundering” investigation, which means simply people who they think owe taxes. We will begin to see new parties start […]

Gold on the 17.2 Day Decline

Gold fell after NY close to 1321.5 in Asia holding the target at 1310. The Weekly Breakline for this week is 1398.6 and this will provide CLOSING resistance at this point. The Major overhead resistance stands at the 3 Monthly Bearish Reversals so we are not going anywhere just yet other than the traditional bounce after […]

Why Eliminate Professional Politicians

This is not a theory I woke up with one day. This is my first hand experience working with politicians around the world. It has become progressively worse year after year. The problem that takes place is when you talk about an idea only among certain minded people, you are preaching to the choir. This […]

Special Report 4-15-2013 Sent

Gold will make a lower low 4/16. The support level targets and the timing for the low has been sent out to those who signed up for the Special 2013 Metals Report. We apologize but we must honor client requests to provide that type of info on a restricted basis so that it is not disseminated all […]

Gold & The Computer

Yes the Computer is still short 11 positions using the reversals taken up until last Thursday. A closing today below 1365 leaves gold still vulnerable. A Special report will go out tonight for those who signed up for the 2013 Metals Report. The 2013 Metals Report – $300

Why The Six Megabanks MUST be Broken Up

Senators Sherrod Brown, D-Ohio, and David Vitter, R-Louisiana, have a new bill that would make banks keep much higher levels of capital. With this new agreed upon position among governments that it is the DEPOSITOR who should do his own due-diligence, then the megabanks that trade other people’s money MUST be outlawed PERIOD! There can […]

Gold 5 Minute Resistance

The 5 minute resistance level is 1384.5. The 5 Minute Bullish Reversal is 1399.

Gold & the Hourly Closing

We now need an hourly closing back above 1405 to relieve the selling pressure. We ultimately need an hourly closing back above 1429 to firm up such a low.