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Gold Broke $1434 – The Tree is Shaken

We will put out a special report today for those who have purchased the 2013 Metals Report. The break of $1434 is absolutely critical. The tree has been shaken – but not yet stirred. The 2013 Metals Report – $300

Lady Thatcher Explains Her Opposition to the Euro

Given the critical developments in Europe, and the likelihood that the new policy to let depositors fund bailouts, it is important that you should listen to the words of Margaret Thatcher at our 1996 Conference. Thatcher on Europe a Economic Union not Political

Thatcher Address at Our 1996 Conference

Lady Thatcher delivered her lecture and explained that Europe was to be an economic union, not a politician union where British Sovereignty would be handed over on a sterling silver platter. She was ultimately driven from office because of her Euro-Skeptic Views but she has proven to be correct. This political union risks sending Europe […]

Wealth tax to pay for EU bailouts?

The British Telegraph reported the comments of Professor Peter Bofinger, an adviser to Angela Merkel, that he made in Der Spiegel, demonstrating just how disconnected the academics are from the real world. They still live in the world of Marx and seem to have missed that Marx’s whole class warfare did not work.  Bofinger suggested that the “rich” […]

Cyprus Agrees to Turnover All Banking Records

Money-laundering experts from the Council of Europe and financial will now get their hands of all historical banking records of Cyprus. Eurozone finance ministers backed 10 billion euros in aid to Cyprus because the deal includes that Cyprus will open all its banking records for Europe to hunt down Europeans who have ever banked there. This will destroy Cyprus forever!  Europe was […]

Gold Inventories Shifting to Europe

Gold has been on the move to Europe causing the COMEX inventory to decline. While the inventory level is one thing the market manipulators play with to get everyone excited, it is normally associated with manipulation attempts and changes in real actual trends. The Buffett Silver Rally was touted the same way. He bought silver […]

Public Notice of Back-Up in Switzerland

Just in case there are attacks to shut down this site, go to our Swiss Servers. Princeton-Economics.COM That is not fully operational as yet, but it will be a back up if this goes down for any reason.

The End of Everything Has Arrived

A new EU Directive provides that compulsory levies in Cyprus will be charged over the weekend. At a meeting of EU finance ministers in Dublin, Commissioner Michel Barnier confirmed that the the people are responsible for the bank they deal with. Depositors will risk their money after the Bank’s shareholders and creditors of banks. It’s amazing […]

Cyprus Going Insane

Politicians simply do not even understand what they are doing. In Cyprus, they claim next week they will allow transactions of €300,000, but they are arresting anyone trying to leave with more than €1000 in their pocket. Most of this year’s tourism was booked. However, if the Russians stay away and the Middle East heats up, Cyprus […]

The Fast Track to Self-Destruction

All the governments are now banning together to attack anyone with an offshore account. All they see is taxes, taxes, and more taxes. They are blind to the massive disinvestment that they are creating. Even Canada is getting into the game. They cannot see that capital will be more inclined to hoard and as that […]