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European Central Bank Prepares for Trump Victory

On the stage at Davos, European Central Bank President Christine Lagarde took a long pause when asked about the 2024 US Presidential Election. The mere question made the room erupt in laughter. “It is for the American people to decide what they want with their politics, with their government with  their future,” she diplomatically replied, […]

CBDC – The End of All Freedom

QUESTION: Marty: You have mentioned that Trudeau’s freezing of accounts of anyone who donated to the Truckers was a test run for CBDCs. Do you think this is the end goal to control 100% of our lives? GD ANSWER: Hopefully, this will become a Presidential campaign issue. But they are desperate to stop Trump. Congress, […]

US Air Force Does Not Want Trump Supporters

(Above: Far-right domestic terrorists) The government is watching what you do and who you support. They are first alerting military service members that their political alliance could jeopardize their futures. This will be common practice once digital IDs and corresponding social credit scores are implemented. The Air Force has alerted service members not to attend […]

Privileged Ivy League Students in US Support Terrorism

Hamas is a terrorist organization. That is not a conspiracy theory and they are not misunderstood. Colleges across the US have erupted in pro-terrorism chaos. Now what if I replaced “Hamas” with the “Taliban,” and asked college kids their unvalued opinions. As you can see from the video above, these students are eager to fund […]

Special Council Prosecution of Trump is to Violate Everyone Right to Vote

We have a MAJOR problem with this special counsel, Jack Smith. He sought a gag order to prevent Trump from criticizing President Biden. That had absolutely NOTHING to do with his criminal case. As Epoch Times has pointed out, Smith charged Trump and used grand juries from Washington because 60%+ have responded that they would […]

G20 & the One World Government Dream

  The movement toward a One World Totalitarian State is proceeding. India is the Chair of the G20. This is the proud symbol of the G20 in Lucknow, (Uttar Pradesh) India. The leaders of the G20 over the weekend reached an agreement to impose by sheer force digital currencies and digital IDs on their respective populations. […]

WEF Study–‘My Carbon’: An approach for inclusive and sustainable cities

‘My Carbon’: An approach for inclusive and sustainable cities was released in September 2022, and you were part of the test group. The WEF-funded “research” states cities account for 75% of all carbon emissions. As countless governments abandoned their morality to the Great Reset, cities are on track to reduce emissions by nearly half in […]

WEF Seeks to End Private Car Ownership by 2050

“Goodbye car ownership, hello clean air: welcome to the future of transport,” the WEF published on its website back in December 2016. The first step is to transition cars to electric under the guise of climate change. This will cause all vehicles to be dependent on the electrical grid, which the government controls. Yet, they […]

UN’s Plan to Rule the World – The Summit for the Future & End of Individualism

  Klaus Schwab is a control freak in how he runs the World Economic Forum. Make a single mistake and you are in trouble. Schwab seeks perfection and he is taking those ideas and seeking to indoctrinate the entire world. He has his young global leaders infiltrating governments around the world. We saw that in […]

The Solution to this Insanity

QUESTION: Hi Martin, thank you as always for your incisive explanations of what’s going on in the ever-roving mind’s eye of SOCRATES. In your July 24 interview with Greg Hunter of USAWatchdog, you started to explain that a form of “Great Reset” is necessary–because taxpayers’ $ has been spent hog-wild and wilder for 90 years, […]