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Federal Reserve & Fake Conspiracies

QUESTION: I found your history of the Federal Reserve very insightful which nobody else has put together. Can you explain your comment that the ECB could go bankrupt but not the Fed? Thank you very much. HB ANSWER: Here is a full set of $1 bills with each issued by its respective Federal Reserve branch. […]

Federal Reserve & Conspiracy Theories

COMMENT: Hi AE….just an observation for you. Altho’ you have mentioned your disagreement with the points of view of such people as Ed Griffin (The Creature From J Island), Ron Paul (End The Fed), & Jeff Berwick (current best seller is Controlled Demo of The US), all of you are in agreement about the total […]

Federal Reserve to Return to its Original Design

The Federal Reserve will return to its origin and it will do what it was originally designed to do. They will lend now on commercial paper rather than just government. As everyone knows,  this has been my strongest recommendation and criticism of Quantitative Easing. The Fed was originally designed to create Elastic Money buying corporate […]

PRIVATE BLOG – The Federal Reserve to Raise Interest Rates?

PRIVATE BLOG – The Federal Reserve to Raise Interest Rates? Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please visit

Trump’s Federal Reserve nominee Judy Shelton & Gold

QUESTION: Hello Where do you guys see as the next World economic conference in 2020?. Will there be another one in Asia? or Europe? Also, I wanted to try to give this question to Marty, although I never had the luck to get his response… more than once. “Trump just announced to nominate Judy Shelton […]

Trump v Federal Reserve – Why?

QUESTION: Good afternoon Martin, Do you gander that President Trump is aware that a higher dollar will cream the economy and is doing all he can to fight that trend? Maybe he is reading AE but like other politicians still thinks he can manipulate the economy? Trump is battling the Fed over interest rates. What […]

Trump v the Federal Reserve

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; A spectacular call. You gave the day and the market bottomed within 100 points of your number. You always nail it. I find it curious how they blamed Trump and the Fed. Can Trump fire the head of the Fed? I really think he seriously needs to attend your WEC. He would […]

Making Sense of The Federal Reserve

  I was giving a lecture in Toronto to our institutional clients years ago and the central bank of Canada came with ten people. It was an interesting session because the audience began to ask me questions about what the central banks were looking at to make their decisions. I would answer and then the […]

The Federal Reserve Un-Discussed Structure

COMMENT: Your 4-2-18 FEDERAL RESERVE VS CONGRESS Blog should be framed & sent to every talk show host and politician in the country. It really puts everything in perspective. SC REPLY: What I find most astonishing is that to write that article, all you have to do is a little investigation. Nobody bothers to question anything. That […]

Interstate Banking & Changes to the Federal Reserve

QUESTION:  Hi Marty, You say, “The one-size-fits-all policy of central banks with regard to interest rates pits East v West in both Canada and the United States. Farmers, oil producers, and miners are forced to pay higher interest rates when their economies are declining because of speculative booms in Toronto or New York.” I can […]