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Why Trump’s Plea for Unity Will Fail

I watched Trump’s speech with the understanding of how when someone tries to kill you, and you survive, you emerge with a changed view. As I explained, you do lose your fear of death, which at first I thought was strange, but you also emerge with a stronger conviction of purpose. That is what I […]

COVID was a Tactic for Control & to Further Climate Change

QUESTION: Dear Marty, I haven’t bothered you with any questions for a long time, but if you could find time to express your opinion on this matter, it would be very valuable not only for me, but also for the readers of your blog. While we are currently in the initial stage of the War […]

Decline in the Birthrate & Biden’s Agenda

Bill Gates’ dream of killing off half the population maybe coming true. The Gates Agenda began with his father and Planned Parenthood being put in minority areas to reduce the population based on race. Even Roe v Wade was cleverly used to tell women it was their BODY, THEIR RIGHT, to have an abortion. Justice […]

Tucker interview with Putin – Real Fact Check

  I paid very close attention to Tucker’s interview with Putin. I found Putin honest but curiously restrained. He could have easily gone off on the interference in the Russian 2000 election, his request to interrogate Bill Browder and the fake dossier manufactured for Hillary Clinton and her co-conspirator, the grandfather of the Neocons, John […]

Illegal Aliens have the Same Constitutional Rights

  Often, people ask me about my legal background. Because I have had to deal on an international basis, even restructuring multinational companies, it was imperative that I understand the law around the world, how it developed, and the stark differences. For example, European law adopted Canon Law from the Catholic Church, which is far […]

The Real Hidden Agenda – It’s Time to take the Red Pill

COMMENT: Martin, I’m gay and I agree with you on this transgender drivel, especially letting male-born athletes compete in women’s sports. It is becoming scary for those of us who are just gay. We are being thrown in the same category as this transgender agenda. I too have been to Thailand. The Ladyboys in Thailand […]

Military Tactic – Demonizing World Leaders to Create War

Some people have accused me of being a Putin Supporter, which illustrates just how brainwashed they actually are.  In war, you must demonize the leader of your opponent to fire up the people to convince them they should die on the battlefield for honor and privilege. This is a military strategy. They demonized Sadam Husein […]

The Hypocrisy Behind the Vaccines

COMMENT: Am I just outright stupid, or is something seriously wrong with the majority of people? Bill Gates had his summit on overpopulation and how this is a serious crisis. Yet then he claims he can reduce disease and save the population with vaccines. Gates especially seems to want to save humanity which he on the […]

Overruling Roe v Wade – To Be or Not To Be

When Roe v Wade was decided, it was highly questionable both on a constitutional level as well as on a moral basis. The basic religious objection stems from the Ten Commandments – Thou Shalt Not Kill. You had a lot of people arguing that a child is not a child until it is born and […]

Britain to Impose COVID Passports

Honestly, I am at a loss for how the British politicians are standing by and allowing Boris Johnson to singlehandedly destroy their economy and their future without so much as a whimper from Parliament. Britain has lost all sense of decency and is dangerously marching down the path of tyranny not witnessed since Edward Long […]