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WEC 2023 Climate Change

The Climate Change Hoax


Converting El Niño into Climate Change to Further the Agenda 2030

COMMENT: All of a sudden, El Niño is proof of global warming, just like the wildfires in Australia and California, as if these things never happened before. The sheep believe whatever the press tells them. That’s why you cannot stop the cycle, and 2032 is now not so far away. HW ANSWER: El Niño and La Niña […]

Climate Change & Taxes

Noble Scientist says Climate Change is a Hoax

Dr. John Clauser, the co-winner of the 2022 Nobel Physics prize has come out and said the whole nonsense of Climate Change caused exclusively by CO2 is an absolute HOAX. Anyone who has ever studied physics cannot possibly conclude otherwise. There is absolutely NOTHING that can ever be reduced to a single cause and effect […]

Climate Change Lockdowns Are Coming?

QUESTION: There has been talk that Trudeau will use the fires to claim a climate crisis, and that will justify lockdowns again. Is there any truth to these rumors? FS ANSWER: There is definitely the idea of using climate change to justify lockdowns. However, this is really not for climate change but for crowd control. […]

10 Million-Year-Old Tree Fossil Explains Natural Climate Change

The Earth contains the blueprint for ancient life. Ice core samples and tree fossils have taught us much about the seemingly undocumented world. Researchers at Central Andean Plateau in Peru have made a groundbreaking discovery within a 10-million-year-old well-preserved tree fossil. Their findings further prove that climate change is a naturally cyclically occurring phenomenon. Ten […]

Climate Change Agenda Threatens Food Supply – Ireland to Kill 200K Cows

The push toward net zero emissions contains a sinister undertone – depleting our food supply. Ireland announced that they will murder 200,000 cows to adhere to Agenda 2030, ultimately reducing cow cattle by 10% in the coming years. Adding to the push for Universal Basic Income, Ireland is telling farmers that they can murder their […]

Dimon Suggests PROPERTY CONFISCATION to Combat Climate Change

Democracy is under attack. JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon , who has been bought by the World Economic Forum, believes the US government should seize private property to combat climate change. This is not an exaggeration. In his annual letter to shareholders, Dimon stated “governments, businesses and non-governmental organizations” may need to invoke “eminent domain” in […]

Hillary – Climate Change Affects Women More – That’s Why She Lost in 2016 along with Comey & Putin