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Seeing Cycles Everywhere Around Us

  For years, it has been a sort of family joke that I view the world around me and see the cycles in everything. I had walked into a casino and noticed there were cycles to the numbers coming out on a roulette wheel, but more fascinating was that the cycles were unique to each […]

Understanding Cycles

  QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I met someone who used to work for you. He said your models are far more complex than anyone imagines and that it is not a simple algorithm. He said you have relied on quantum mechanics which is why nobody has been able to duplicate what you do. Would you care […]

Wild 9-Year Cycles in Climate Change from Cold to Warm

On September 28, 1924, the New York Times reported that there was evidence that the Arctic had actually been tropical in the past. They reported that there was the possibility of a coming Ice Age. The NY Times reported: “NATURE is in a strange mood beyond the Arctic Circle, Glaciers are moving from their age-old […]

Why People Fail to Understand There are Cycles to Everything

There tends to be a fairly regular 21-year cycle in extreme climate shifts with respect to volatility. There was the extreme cold of 1936, followed 21 years later with a heatwave that melted the ice in the arctic, and then going into 1978 they were talking again about the deep freeze. Indeed, TIME magazine’s January […]

Cycles, Einstein & Galileo – Geometry of Time

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; It has dawned on me studying Einstein’s General Relativity, that the two of you reached the same realization from different fields. Newton’s laws of gravity were turned upside down by Einstein who rejected Newton that there was a linear formation to space. Einstein came up with the fact that space was curved […]

Cycles & Turning Points

QUESTION: Hello Mr. Armstrong; Rome was fantastic!. I find it very interesting that you hold the conference on the dates when the markets hit their peak and I come back and Monday we start the decline that you cautioned us that we could see at the conference. Was this planned:)? Cycles are amazing and now […]

Panic Cycles v Waterfall Events

COMMENT: Hi There, I suggest you do an article on the terminology you use.For example I noted that on your commentary on centamin Egypt you use the term waterfall pattern. You also you use the term panic cycle.An article on these words and their meaning would be helpful. Thanks S REPLY: We do have terminology is […]

Why do Cycles Work?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Your analysis is really remarkable. When the Dow was making new highs in October you said it was not breaking out. Then you said it would correct to retest the monthly support. You even warned that the bulk of the decline was always before the holiday as fears would grow for what […]

Yes even Sports Comply with Cycles

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; I have a friend in the management of the NFL. I sent him your piece on the decline of their industry and how the protests were really turning people off. Well, they have now banned protests during the game. They revised their policy mandating that players and team personnel present on the […]

How Cycles to Diseases are Ignored

It is amazing to me how, outside of physics, the world remains ignorant to the cycles that control absolutely everything right down to the cycle of life. Ebola, like everything else, conforms to cycles. Now another outbreak has just blinked in the Congo where there have been  two confirmed cases after a resurgence nearly 10 months from the […]