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Are We Mushrooms being fed Mountains of Manure by Bureaucrats?

  Government bureaucrats connive ways to gain power as they treat the people like mushrooms — they keep  us in the dark and feed us mountains manure and mainstream media conspire to make sure we remain buried so deep we cannot reach the surface for air. They foam at the mouth of the through of creating […]

Thai Baht Preparing to Collapse?

The Thai government has taken steps toward the elimination of cash moving forward. Thailand is abandoning its ‘safe haven’ image. This is yet another step to drive capital to the dollar. (Note: this chart shows the Baht against the dollar so a rise reflects the rise in the dollar decline in the Baht)


We still see unemployment rising. The primary trend is the state and local government cannot print money and are the major source from which jobs will vanish. Of course there is the natural evolution of changes within the economy as it continues to evolve. That means there is some reduction in jobs due to the […]

IMF Digital Currency to Replace the Dollar

  Years ago, when I wrote that Bitcoin was created by the NSA, some Bitcoiners attacked me and insisted that Satoshi Nakamoto was the creator of Bitcoin.  Yet someone who created such a product never stepped forward and would have been a billionaire on royalties. But this fictional character was not much different than Lee […]

Penetrating the Corona – Internet Apocalypse

The coronavirus lockdowns gave the world a glimpse of what could happen if our economy was suddenly shutdown. NASA has a space program called Parker Solar Probe (PSP) that aims to fly “into the outermost part of the Sun’s atmosphere, the corona, for the first time.” Why? Scientists at NASA predict an “internet apocalypse” may […]

Migration & War = Deadly Disease Cycle

The border crisis that we have in the United States is part of the cycle of disease that our model has been projecting. In late May, Sarasota County, Florida, health officials confirmed that they had identified a case of locally transmitted malaria. Then a second confirmed case appeared on June 23 rd in Texas, discovered in […]

UN’s Plan to Rule the World – The Summit for the Future & End of Individualism

  Klaus Schwab is a control freak in how he runs the World Economic Forum. Make a single mistake and you are in trouble. Schwab seeks perfection and he is taking those ideas and seeking to indoctrinate the entire world. He has his young global leaders infiltrating governments around the world. We saw that in […]

Have Central Banks Crossed the Line into Tyranny?

With all the conspiracy theories that somehow the bankers are the real culprits in creating excess money supply, there has been an evolution in central banks that has finally crossed the line since 2019. The Federal Reserve was, once upon a time, responsible. The Fed was originally designed as an authority to create money, which […]

BigTech – Replacing Banks

QUESTION: Can you explain how using Jack Dorsey’s financial tools are another way Americans are surrendering their freedoms. Although the transaction fees are a fraction of banks and the time duration are almost instant. Thanks – although after years or writing into your block/contact I’ve yet to have a reply N ANSWER: Back in 2020, […]

Cryptocurrency & the WEF Plot?

QUESTION:  Dear Martin, I was wondering, while blockchain technology claims to limit the inflation of a cryptocurrency, what stops infinite iterations of cryptocurrencies from being created (there are several now, with more planned) and how is that different from currency inflation? Is there something I am missing? BTW, are NTFs just a different version of […]